The medical concubine is mad

1419 Chapter 4 Ye Su Marriage

Chapter 1419

After finishing the business, Yehuang changed the topic directly and talked about other things with Mrs. Bai.

However, I don't know if there is something on my mind, Madam Bai is a little absent-minded.Fortunately, Yehuang didn't care about it, seeing her like this, he didn't keep her any longer, and let her go back early.

After Mrs. Bai left the teahouse, she went straight back home.After asking, knowing that Bai Feihu hadn't come back, someone sent him a message immediately.

Besides, because Bai Feihu was thinking about Mrs. Bai's meeting with Yehuang, he didn't lead the team to patrol, but let his subordinates go directly, and he stayed in the yamen all the time.

Therefore, as soon as he received the message from his family, he immediately asked for leave and returned to the house.

"Ma'am, why is the Crown Princess looking for you?" Bai Feihu returned home, went directly into the yard where he and Mrs. Bai lived, looked at Mrs. Bai who was sitting on the chair, and asked.

"Husband, Madam said that she has taken a fancy to Yu'er."

"What?" Bai Feihu was taken aback for a moment, but after realizing it, he burst out laughing.

After laughing for a while, he stopped.Then he looked at Mrs. Bai and said proudly: "Let me just say, how can my Bai Feihu's daughter not get married. No, the Crown Princess has come to propose marriage. This proves that my Bai Feihu's daughter is still very good." , the princess concubine really has vision."

Madam Bai looked at her boastful husband, speechless.He knew this would happen a long time ago, after all, he had wanted Ye Su to be his son-in-law for a long time.

Now, what he wants to do is about to come true. Is it because he is not happy and excited?
"Father, mother, what are you talking about? Father is so happy." Bai Luoheng heard that his mother had returned, so he came here specially to inquire about the news.I don't want to, but before I got to the place, I heard my father's laughter.

Although my father usually laughs, he has never been so happy and loud.As soon as you hear it, you can guess that there must be something good.

"Boss, you're here." Bai Feihu glanced at Bai Luoheng, and said, "Just now your mother said that the Crown Princess has taken a fancy to your sister. It seems that Ye Su is really going to become the son-in-law of our Bai family. Doesn't that matter?" , Father was happy, so he couldn't help but shouted a little louder."

"So that's how it is. The son congratulates his father for his wish to come true." Bai Luoheng's heart sank completely when he heard this.

"Haha, I, Bai Feihu, am going to have a son-in-law, that's great, that's great." Bai Feihu laughed again, which made Mrs. Bai very uncomfortable, and directly poured a basin of cold water, saying: "Look at your beauty, I haven't promised the princess yet?"

"What, you haven't agreed yet?" The smile on Bai Feihu's face disappeared, and he stared at his wife anxiously.How could such a good marriage not be agreed?
"Nonsense, can I agree so quickly?" Mrs. Bai glared back at Bai Feihu, and said, "Who is in a hurry to get married? It's not like our Yu'er can't get married, so he can't be reserved?"

"Ma'am, after passing this village, this store will be gone. Why are you being reserved? Having a good husband is more important than anything else. If you want me to say, you should go back to the Crown Princess right now, and say that we agree, so as not to be overthrown by others." Foot first."

Bai Feihu looked eager, afraid that if he was a step too late, Ye Su would become someone else's.

"Can't you?" Mrs. Bai was beating drums in her heart when he said that.If so, how?
On the other hand, Bai Luoheng laughed after hearing his parents' conversation, and said, "Father, mother, don't worry, it's okay to reply to the princess in two days."

After hearing this, the two turned their heads to look at Bai Luoheng and asked, "Why?"

 The fourth watch is over!However, the name of the new book has been changed. It was originally "Ace Military Marriage: Mr. Chief, let us pamper you wantonly!" "was changed to "Ace Warm Marriage: Young Master Si, indulge in pampering!" "

(End of this chapter)

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