The medical concubine is mad

1420 Chapter 5 Ye Su Marriage

Chapter 1420

"Because not only the Crown Princess has taken a fancy to my younger sister, but Ye Su has also taken a fancy to my younger sister."

As soon as these words came out, Madam Bai immediately thought of the matter of Bai Luoheng taking Bai Luoyu out yesterday.Back then, Bai Luoheng told her that Ye Su wanted to meet Luo Yu.

Is it possible...

Madam Bai looked at her son without saying a word.However, Bai Luoheng nodded as if he knew what she wanted to say.

Seeing Bai Luoheng nodding, Mrs. Bai finally felt relieved and decided to follow his words, and then reply to Ye Huang after the two of them.

In any case, if a girl is more reserved, her husband's family will think highly of her.

Besides, Yehuang left not long after Mrs. Bai left the teahouse.In fact, she could have left with Mrs. Bai, but in order not to attract others' attention and cause any bad rumors, she didn't leave together.

After all, there are too many people paying attention to her now, and her words and deeds are all under the attention of others. That feeling is really not good.

But Yehuang knew that in this position, she would definitely be noticed.

After going out of the mansion, Yehuang was a little tired, and went back to her room to rest as soon as she returned to the mansion.When Shangguan Yuntian came back, seeing Zhengxiang Yehuang sleeping, he couldn't bear to disturb him, but he didn't want to leave either.So he moved the official business directly to the room, and while guarding Ye Huang, he was busy with official business.

When Yehuang woke up, she saw a figure sitting beside the bed working hard, with a smile on her face.

She sat up slightly, looking at the figure of Shangguan Yuntian with burning eyes, with a little obsession in her eyes.It is said that men who work are the most handsome and attractive, and it is true.

Shangguan Yuntian knew that Ye Huang had woken up and felt her gaze, but he didn't look back, and still read the memorial in his hand.

After reading the memorial, write a comment.Shangguan Yuntian then turned around, met Shang Yehuang's gaze, and smiled.

His smile directly shocked Yehuang, and it seemed like spring flowers were blooming for a moment, which made her feel a strange feeling in her heart.

"Huang'er, are you awake?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang, and reached out to touch her face.

It wasn't until this moment that Yehuang came back to his senses, then nodded, glared at Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "Monster!"

When Shangguan Yuntian heard the words, the smile on his face became a bit stronger, and he helped Yehuang get the clothes from the side, and said: "Huang'er, if you want to see her as a husband, it's not too late to look at it later, put on the clothes first, Don't catch a cold."

Yehuang stretched out her hand directly, and Shangguan Yuntian helped her dress skillfully.After getting dressed, Ye Huang got out of bed and called Dong and Xia in to wash and freshen up.

After playing around, she sat opposite Shangguan Yuntian, looked at him and asked, "When did you come back, and why are you working in the room?"

"This is closer to you." Shangguan Yuntian said with a smile, then put the memorial aside, and sat down on the soft couch with Yehuang in his arms.

After Yehuang sat down, he looked down at her stomach slightly and asked, "Is the baby still behaved today?"

"Fortunately, I'm pretty good today." Ye Huang replied with a smile, the baby is still young and can't move yet.However, what Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian said by "good" refers to Yehuang's appetite and spiritual aspects.

Seeing Yehuang's words, Shangguan Yuntian felt relieved, stretched out his hand to touch his stomach, and said a few words to the baby in a low voice, telling him to be good, not to be naughty, and not to make his mother feel bad.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian talking seriously to the child who didn't understand anything, Yehuang couldn't help laughing.

She took Shangguan Yuntian's hand away, and said with a smile: "Yuntian, the baby is still young, so it's strange if you can understand what you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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