The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1430 Pregnancy Month

Chapter 1430 Pregnancy in October ([-])
Yehuang turned her head to look at Shangguan Yuntian, and said arrogantly: "Of course, I designed this specially for babies."

After finishing speaking, she picked up the drawing, and the more she looked at it, the more she was satisfied, then she put it directly in Shangguan Yuntian's hand, and asked in awe: "How is it, does this dress look good?"

"Looking good, very cute." Shangguan Yuntian replied pertinently.He has only seen dragons, phoenixes, and pythons put on clothes, but he has never seen other animals appear on clothes.

And in Yehuang's drawing, there is a cat chasing and a mouse-like thing in it.

If Shangguan Yuntian was modern, he would definitely see that it was a coffee cat and Mickey Mouse.

"Then do you think this dress is equally cute when it is made for babies?" Ye Huang continued to ask with a smile.

"En!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded again, and then pointed to the animal pattern and said: "But it takes a lot of time to embroider these things, not to mention Huang'er, you don't know how to embroider, are you sure you can do it? "

In a word, all Ye Huang's enthusiasm dissipated without a trace.Well, she really can't embroider, and has no interest in the craft at all.Therefore, to make such a set of clothes, it is impossible to rely on yourself.

"Huang'er, you'd better have fun, just leave these things to others." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Yuntian was worried that Yehuang would be hurt, so he added: "Of course, if you are interested, you can draw some Drawing, and then let others do it according to your drawing. But there is one thing, you can't be tired, or I will feel bad."

In the end, Shangguan Yuntian didn't want to hurt Yehuang's heart too much, so he found a compromise.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Ye Huang's eyes lit up again, and she asked, "Is this okay?"

"It's okay, you'll only know after you try it, won't you?" Shangguan Yuntian laughed as he saw Yehuang's passion rekindled.

Yehuang, who is still in such a high spirits, is more beautiful.

"Okay, it's up to you, I'll find someone to try." Yehuang said, and picked up another piece of paper to draw.

She drew ten sketches in a row before stopping.

"Are you tired?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang with a distressed face. The reason why he didn't want her to do things was because he was afraid that she would be tired.

No, it's just a few sketches, and Ye Huang's face is not very good-looking.

"A little bit, I want to take a break." Ye Huang nodded, thinking it was just a sketch, nothing at all, but she didn't expect to be so tired.

It seems that Shangguan Yuntian is right, she cannot be compared with before at all.How long did it take? The ten drawings added up, and she felt tired in less than half an hour.

Moreover, her tiredness is not physical, but mental.

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, carried Yehuang to the side soft couch, and put her on it.

"You have a good rest." Shangguan Yuntian covered Yehuang with a quilt, then sat down beside him, holding a book.Watching her while reading a book.

Ye Huang slept for more than an hour before waking up. When she opened her eyes, she found that she was in the study. Thinking of what happened before, she felt a little guilty.

Shangguan Yuntian did not care about Yehuang, he knew that if she was not allowed to try, she would never know what was going on with her body.

However, from then on, Yehuang never mentioned anything about living, nor did she mention that she was living like a pig.

Of course, she still finds someone to talk to her every day, there are people from hell, and there are others, such as Ye Su's wife and her sister-in-law Bai Luoyu.

(End of this chapter)

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