The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1431 The Baby Is Born

Chapter 1431 The Baby Is Born ([-])

At the beginning, Bai Luoyu still couldn't let go, after all, Yehuang's identity was there.Even if she is Ye Huang's sister-in-law, she is still a courtier.

But with the passage of time, the two people with similar interests gradually became good friends who talked about everything.

Almost every day, the two get together to talk.

Speaking of Bai Luoyu, he is also a wonderful person.Although born in a general's family, he is very good at managing housekeepers. He has only been married for less than half a month, and he has a clear understanding of all the affairs of the general's mansion.

While Ye Su was gratified this morning, she was also glad that she had married a good wife.For this reason, the relationship between the two has gradually deepened. Although it is not as close as Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, it is still sweet and close.

Seeing the good relationship between the two, Ye Feng and Ye Huang were relieved.As a result, he had a higher opinion of Bai Luoyu.

So, after learning that Bai Luoyu had straightened out the affairs of the General's Mansion, Ye Huang would go to the Prince's Mansion to talk to her every now and then.

At the beginning, not only Bai Luoyu was a little nervous, but Ye Su was also a little worried, telling his wife a few words from time to time.

It wasn't until later, when she saw that she and Ye Huang got along better and better, that he was a little bit appreciative, that she didn't say anything more.

Besides, besides talking with Yehuang, Bai Luoyu would sometimes compete with Dong or Xia in martial arts.At this time, Yehuang would sit in the pavilion and watch while talking to the baby in her stomach.

When Bai Luoyu asked, Yehuang proudly told her that this was prenatal education.

It's just that such days didn't last long. One day, when Bai Luoyu was exchanging skills with Dong, he passed out.But it freaked everyone out.

Yehuang didn't care about her growing belly, and ran out of the pavilion in a hurry, which shocked everyone again.Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise everyone's heads would be moving.

When she came to the fainted Bai Luoyu, Yehuang wanted to squat down to help her feel her pulse, but because her stomach was too big, she couldn't squat down no matter what.

Just when he was in a hurry, Murong Jue appeared.

He first comforted Yehuang and asked someone to help her to the side, and then he helped Bai Luoyu get his pulse.

After he finished his pulse, he turned his head and glanced at Ye Huang, and said, "She's fine, she's pregnant with a child just like you."

"What?" Yehuang was shocked at first, and then pleasantly surprised.Then, while ordering someone to take Bai Luoyu to the guest room to rest, he also asked someone to deliver a letter to the General's Mansion.

Ye Su was training troops outside the city, when he got the news, he left a group of brothers behind without saying a word, rode back to the city on a fast horse, and went straight to the general's mansion.

When Ye Su arrived, Bai Luoyu just woke up.After hearing that she was pregnant with a child, she was also in a daze for a long time before she came to her senses.

She never thought that she could conceive Ye Su's child so quickly. Although Mrs. Bai also urged her to have a child earlier, she was never in a hurry.

Because she remembered Yehuang's words, the girl was pregnant too early but her health was not good.

Of course, she didn't deliberately use contraception, thinking that everything should go with the flow.Whether she can conceive a child or not, she will accept it calmly.

But she didn't want to, her mentality made her conceive a child faster.

"Yu'er, how are you feeling now? Are you tired?" Everyone gave up their seats in front of the bed, Ye Su walked up to Bai Luoyu, looked at her with burning eyes, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine!" Bai Luoyu shook his head with a smile, and then saw that there were still many people in the room, but his hand was still being held by Ye Su, so his face blushed and he was very shy.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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