The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 144 Border Wars

Chapter 144 Border Wars ([-])

When the accident happened, Mu Fei, who was humming a song and laughing happily, changed his expression, and his whole heart was raised.

Fortunately, Mu Fei is also a member of Ye Huang, so how could he be intimidated by this small change?
So, after the most panic, Mu Fei calmed down and quickly controlled the galloping horse.

In this way, Mu Fei ran to the day before Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.

Yehuang saw that Mu Fei was fine, then turned to look at Shangguan Yuntian, and asked coldly, "Did you move your hand?"

Shangguan Yuntian didn't admit it or deny it, but just said with a smile: "Little Huang'er, don't you think the air is much better now?"

"I don't think so!" Yehuang snorted coldly, turned around and flicked the whip, and chased after Mu Fei.

Shangguan Yuntian was bored, his face was not very good, his eyes darkened when he looked at Yehuang's back.However, in the blink of an eye, a naughty smile appeared on his face again.

As long as he can spare this face, he doesn't believe that he can't beat Yehuang.

Here, Yehuang and the others are hurrying on their way.

At this time, Border Gate, Yaocheng, General Mansion.

The General's Mansion is located on the East Street of Yaocheng. The location is prosperous and there are many shops. Although the border is not as prosperous as the capital, it is still very lively.

The people in the city live and work in peace and contentment, and there are people coming and going on the streets. They can't see the tension before the war at all.

Maybe they are used to it, or maybe they believe in Ye Feng.After all, Bei Mo has often harassed Yaocheng for more than ten years, but every time he was beaten to pieces by General Ye.

Therefore, they felt that it would be the same this time, even though people from the General's Mansion went door to door to persuade them to leave, no one left.

In the general's mansion, Ye Feng was sitting on a chair with a worried expression on his face. He was over 50 years old, but his hair was full of hair.A young man lost his wife, and a middle-aged man lost his son. The repeated blows made him slumped and he was in pain. Coupled with the wind and sand blowing at the border, he looked much older than his peers.

In front of him stood Lieutenant General Yang Song and his grandson Ye Su.Yang Song is a middle-aged man who looks in his 30s.He used to be Ye Feng's servant, but after fighting bravely, he was promoted to lieutenant general.

As for Ye Su, he is Ye Feng's grandson and Ye Huang's elder brother. He is 22 years old and has five similarities with Ye Huang.However, because of being stationed at the border all year round, his skin looks a bit dark, but he looks quite resolute and calm.

In recent years, Ye Feng's health has deteriorated year by year, and he is taking care of most of the affairs in the general's mansion, and he can be regarded as Ye Feng's right-hand man.

"General, it seems that Beimo will be outside the city gate one day, but the people are unwilling to leave. What should we do?"

Yang Song also had a sad look on his face.It's just that what Ye Feng worries about is the coming war, but what he worries about is the people who don't want to leave.

As generals defending the city, their intelligence was naturally accurate.This time, Beimo's 80 troops were overwhelming the border, several times more than the defenders. No matter how hard they fought, they might not be able to defend Yaocheng.

Because of this, they asked people to persuade the people to leave as soon as possible, lest they suffer from the war.But no matter how much they persuaded, the people in the city were unwilling to leave, which made him wonder what to say to them.

"Go and persuade them. If they really don't want to leave, there's nothing we can do. It's impossible for us to drive them out of the city." Ye Feng's voice seemed old and tired.He has fought in war all his life, originally thinking that in a few years, he would hand over his military power and be transferred back to the capital, so that he could spend his old age in peace.

Unexpectedly, Bei Mo dispatched troops at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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