The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 145 Border Wars

Chapter 145 Border Wars ([-])

"In case of a fight, we can't take care of them at all." Yang Song was a little worried. When the war broke out, it would be too late for the people to leave.

"That can't be helped. The fallen leaves return to their roots. This is their home and their roots. It is reasonable for them not to want to leave."

"Okay, I'll try to persuade you again." After all, Yang Song couldn't bear to watch the people in the city suffer from the war, so he decided to persuade him again.


Ye Feng waved his hand, and Yang Song left.

As soon as Yang Song left, Ye Feng looked more and more exhausted.Ever since Beimo sent a large army, he hadn't had a good night's sleep, no wonder he wasn't tired.

But no matter how tired he was, he couldn't rest. Before Bei Mo's army arrived, he still had to go to the city wall to have a look.

Seeing Ye Feng's tired appearance, Ye Su felt extremely distressed, and stepped forward and said, "Grandpa, you are so tired, go back to the house and rest, I will take care of the rest."

"Su'er, you don't understand war, you haven't really participated in war, you don't know its cruelty, and you don't know that it may be a tiny detail that determines success or failure. So grandpa has no time to rest, grandpa has to hurry up and do as much as possible." It is possible to make the city defense as impenetrable as gold."

"Grandpa, your body?" Although Ye Su had never participated in a regular war, he had learned a lot from Ye Feng's side these years.

Of course he knew the importance of city defense, but he was really worried about his grandfather's health.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Ye Feng waved his hands, stood up, and called two soldiers to go to the city wall.

Ye Feng knew that he couldn't persuade his grandfather, so he could only sigh and told the soldiers to take good care of him.

At this time, on a tall building not far from the General's Mansion, Xue, who had just arrived not long ago, and several team members were condescendingly observing the entire General's Mansion.

Seeing Ye Feng leaving the mansion, she left the small building, followed him secretly, escorted him all the way up the tower, and left a few people to protect him secretly, then left and returned to the place where she lived.

Because they had just arrived in Yaocheng, the group hadn't found a suitable house yet, so they lived in an inn not far from the General's Mansion.

There were quite a few of them, and they took over the entire inn.

As soon as Xue returned to the inn, she immediately wrote a letter and sent it to Yehuang with the flying pigeon she carried with her.Although she was not close to Ye Feng's body, she looked at him from a distance and was not in good spirits. Xue was very worried about Ye Feng's body, so she could come as soon as possible after washing Ye Feng.

At the same time, Cang and his team were going deep into the northern desert to complete the task assigned to them by Yehuang.There are a total of 20 people in the team, and they are all the elites among the elites. They are the best in terms of ability, physical strength, and adaptability.

They set off from Yaocheng as a caravan and headed for the hinterland of Beimo.Starting from the cottage, after several days and nights of traveling, the team members were exhausted.

Cang rode on the horse, glanced at the sky, then at the tired faces, and ordered: "Everyone stay where you are and rest."

They had already left Yaocheng for a day, and had already entered Beimo's territory.After a few days of rapid marching, the men and horses were exhausted. If they didn't rest, not to mention the horses, they would all fall down.

After giving the order to rest, the team members immediately got off the horse, sat on the grass, took out dry food and water, and started eating and drinking.

As for the accompanying horse, it ran aside to eat the grassland by itself.

The group of people rested for half an hour, and when they were about to get up and continue their journey, the sound of horseshoes came to their ears.

 PS: Five shifts are over!Who will come?
(End of this chapter)

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