The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 146 Border Wars

Chapter 146 Border Wars ([-])

When Canghe brothers heard the movement, they stood up immediately, and when they looked up, they saw a cloud of dust billowing in the distance, approaching them.

"No, Beimo's army has arrived." Cang's face changed, and he frowned as he thought about countermeasures.

"Captain, what should we do?" When the brothers heard that Bei Mo's army had arrived, they were a little nervous, and looked at Cang together, waiting for his decision.

Cang looked at the dust and smoke that was getting closer, his brows furrowed more and more tightly.

Look at this battle, there are no less than a thousand people coming, and they only have twenty people, what should we do?
Even if they were the elite soldiers under Yehuang's subordinates, they were able to fight one against a hundred, but after all, it was the first time they had close contact with the enemy, so it was inevitable that they would feel nervous.

"Watch it change!"

After a while, Cang opened his mouth.Now that they are caravans, the Beimo army should not make things difficult for them.

After all, it is definitely not worthwhile to delay the speed of the march for the sake of twenty of them.I'm afraid that the Beimo people will rob them of their things. After all, this is the habit of Beimo, and they like to rob.

"Captain?" The brothers looked at Cang, a little puzzled.wait?What if the enemy comes over?
"Calm down!" Cang Di shouted, telling the brothers to calm down.Now is not the time to be impulsive, not to mention that the master has spent countless efforts in training them, even if this is their first mission, he will not allow failure.

"Yes!" As expected of people trained by Yehuang, they gradually calmed down after being reminded by Cang after the initial panic.

When the brain is calm, it turns fast.Soon they knew why Cang asked everyone to wait and see what happened.

So, everyone sat down again, resting and dozing like a real caravan.

The speed of the army was very fast, and it was in front of everyone in a blink of an eye.The sound of horseshoes stopped, and the wolf team was surrounded.

"Who are you?" Wei Wei asked with a flick of his horsewhip.He is the commander of the enemy army and the leader of this team.

"General, we are a caravan." Cang motioned to the brothers who could speak Beimo dialect to come forward, and the others all pretended to be scared.

"Caravan?" The commander frowned, his eyes swept over everyone sharply, with a look of suspicion on his face.

Now is an extraordinary period, and it stands to reason that the caravan should have been hiding long ago.But this caravan is not afraid of death, and even dared to go to Beimo. Are these people out of their minds, or do they have other plans?
"Open it up and have a look!" He pondered for a moment, pointing to the bundles on the horses' backs.

"Okay, General." Cang Yi, that is, the brother who can speak Beimo, heard the words of the enemy leader, and motioned for the brothers to come forward and untie the things on the horse's back.

As soon as the things were opened, brightly colored brocades and silks appeared in the eyes of the enemy soldiers.

"Go and check." Mrs. Qian signaled her subordinates to step forward to check, the suspicion in her eyes still remained.These things are exactly what Bei Mo needs, and only nobles can afford them, but he is still worried.

After all, the timing of the appearance of these twenty people was too coincidental. Even though the expressions on their faces were impeccable, and their expressions were no different from ordinary businessmen, he still felt that there was something different.

"Look!" Hearing the other party's order, Cang Yi took a step back and let the Beimo soldiers step forward to check.

"Commander, it's all cloth." After the inspection, the soldier reported the result to Madam Qian.

Hearing the words, the commander frowned, waved his hand to signal the soldiers to retreat, then took a deep look at Cang and the others, but still found nothing unusual, and then led the army away.

(End of this chapter)

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