The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1453 The Emperor’s Abdication

Chapter 1453 The Emperor's Abdication ([-])
When the words came out, the emperor felt a little uneasy, looked at the empress dowager sadly, and said, "Empress mother, can you hit my children less? Are Yuntian and the others here?"

"Okay, let's stop talking about the Ai family." The queen mother laughed loudly, waved to the nanny who was holding Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, and said, "Bring the child here, let the emperor take a good look at it."

"Yes, Empress Dowager!" The nuns responded and carried the babies to the emperor and empress dowager.

It was also the first time for the emperor to see the two babies, and he was a little excited, with a warm smile on his face.He looked at the two of them, pointed at each, and said, "This is Rui Chen? This is Rui Xuan?"

Ruichen is the name given to Tuantuan by the emperor, and Ruixuan is Yuanyuan's name.

"That's right, this is Ruichen, nicknamed Tuantuan. She is Ruixuan, nicknamed Yuanyuan." The Queen Mother replied with a smile, looking at the lovely two treasures, she wanted to hug them again.

So, she looked at Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, and asked, "Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, give your great-grandmother a hug, okay?"

When the emperor heard this, he glanced at the queen mother, obviously he wanted to hug his grandson, why did the queen mother fight him again?

However, the queen mother stretched out her hand towards the two treasures regardless of what the emperor was thinking.

The two treasures looked at the queen mother, laughed, and handed her his little hand.

The emperor looked at it, a little jealous, and said to the queen mother: "Mother, you have hugged them before, can you let the son hug them first?"

"Do you want to hug?" The queen mother glanced at the emperor, and then said coolly: "But will you hug?"

"Why can't my son be hugged?" The emperor muttered a little depressed, very unconvinced, looking eagerly at Tuantuan and Yuanyuan.

As if feeling the emperor's love, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan couldn't help but look at him more.

"Come on, reunion, grandpa, how about a hug?" The emperor looked at the two excitedly, imitating the empress dowager, and stretched out his hand towards them.

Tuantuan and Yuanyuan first glanced at Shangguan Yuntian, then at Yehuang, and after seeing the two nodding their heads, they stretched out their hands towards the emperor.

The emperor saw that the two really wanted him to hug him, but he was so happy that he embraced the two treasures excitedly.However, the emperor might have been too excited, or he might really not know how to hold a baby, so he made the two treasures cry all at once.

Hearing the cries of the babies, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang hadn't reacted yet. The empress dowager gave up and gave the emperor a hard look, and said, "Look, the Ai family said you can't hug. Look, Let the two treasures cry."

After training the emperor, the queen mother stretched out her hands to the two treasures, snatched them from the emperor's arms, and then gently coaxed the babies, saying: "Tuanyuanyuanyuan, let's not cry, great-grandmother hugs."

Seeing the queen mother coaxing the two babies, seeing that the babies stopped crying, the emperor's heart was so depressed.But there's no way, he really doesn't know how to hold a baby.After all, he is the emperor, and he rarely hugged his sons before.

Now, I want to hold my grandson, but unfortunately I can't, making them cry.

The babies stopped crying, and the queen mother didn't let go of her holding her.Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang stayed with them in the main hall for a while, when a guest came, they had to leave for the time being to entertain the guest.

After the two left, the queen mother looked at the emperor and asked, "Emperor, today is the full moon feast for the babies, did you bring any gifts?"

When the queen mother mentioned the gift, the emperor remembered that he had asked someone to prepare two pieces of warm jade before, but he forgot to give the two treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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