The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1454 The Emperor’s Abdication

Chapter 1454 The Emperor's Abdication ([-])
The emperor turned his head, glanced at Eunuch Liu behind him, and said, "Liu Fu, bring me the presents I gave to the children."

Hearing this, Eunuch Liu immediately stepped forward and handed the two delicate boxes to the emperor.

The emperor took the box, took out the things, and helped the babies hang them around their necks.The two jade pendants are engraved with the names of the two treasures, but one is carved with a dragon and the other with a phoenix.

The jade pendant was originally supposed to be hung around the waist, but the babies were only full moon, so it was not appropriate to hang it around the waist, so the emperor directly put it on their necks.

The empress dowager watched the emperor put the jade pendant on the two treasures, then reached out to touch it, and felt relieved when she knew it was Nuanyu.

It seems that the emperor used dim sum in order to give the gift of the two treasures.

Here the emperor and the queen mother played with the two treasures, while Ye Feng and Murong Jue also came to the prince's mansion.

Since Yehuang gave birth to the baby smoothly, Murongjue went back to live in his own yard.Having lived in the Prince's Mansion for several months, he was a little bored.

In addition, the two treasures are still too young, and it is impossible to play with him every day, so I went back.

Today, knowing that it was the full moon feast of the two treasures, Murong Jue came here early.But he didn't want to meet Ye Feng at the door.

Seeing Ye Feng, Murong Jue couldn't help complaining about how he couldn't hold a child and made Tuantuan cry.

So the two entered the prince's mansion noisy all the way.

When Yehuang looked at the two people who were arguing as they walked in, she couldn't help but feel a little headache.One is the master and the other is the grandfather. The two of them would pinch each other when they met, which left her speechless.She clearly remembered that the two of them would not be like this before, since when did the two start pinching each other?

"Master, Grandpa, are you here?" Yehuang went up to meet her and said with a smile.

"Huang'er, why did you come out, where are the two treasures?"

"Huang'er, where is my grandson?"

Murong Jue and Ye Feng asked her at the same time, wanting to know where the babies are now, so they can go directly to find someone.

After hearing what the two said, Ye Huang smiled and said, "Master, Grandpa, the two treasures will be beside the Queen Mother and the Emperor, I will take you there."

"What? The empress dowager and the emperor are here?" Murong Jue and Ye Feng were taken aback at the same time, looking at Yehuang, their faces could not hide their surprise.

The two of them never expected that both the queen mother and the emperor would leave the palace.Now, the two of them are playing with the babies, can they still grab someone?

Even if they could grab it, they wouldn't dare to grab it.Whoever dares to rob people with those two will be desperate.

"Well, they came early in the morning and have been playing with the two treasures in the main hall for a while." Ye Huang replied with a smile.

"This?" Murong Jue and Ye Feng looked at each other, wondering if they should go over.It stands to reason that Ye Feng should go there, after all, he is a courtier, how could he know that the queen mother and emperor are there, and still not go to see the ceremony.Murong Jue, on the other hand, doesn't have so many rules as a quack.

But when he thought of the two treasures with them, he felt itchy again.

In the end, the desire to see the two treasures prevailed, and he said to Ye Feng, "Since you're here, let's go and meet you."

"Let's go." Murong Jue and Ye Feng followed Ye Huang and headed for the main hall.

At this time, the two treasures are a little tired after playing for a long time, are they falling asleep?The Queen Mother and Aunt Ju were coaxing them to sleep with one in their arms.

When Yehuang brought her master and grandfather in, the emperor glanced at them, specially made a quiet gesture, and then pointed to the two babies.

(End of this chapter)

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