The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1455 The Emperor’s Abdication

Chapter 1455 The Emperor's Abdication ([-])
A few people saw it and knew that the babies were going to sleep, so they moved much more lightly.

After walking in, Murong Jue and Ye Feng wanted to greet the Queen Mother and the Emperor, but they also excused them.

Murong Jue and Ye Feng quietly glanced at the two treasures, seeing that they had indeed fallen asleep, so they had no choice but to stop hugging them.

The room fell silent for a while, and no one spoke for fear of waking up the babies.

After the babies fell asleep, the Queen Mother and Aunt Ju handed over the babies to the nanny, and asked them to carry them back to the nursery to sleep.

After taking the babies away, several people in the room began to talk.Although Murong Jue is a man of the world, but his medical skills are superb, and he is well-informed, so he can chat with the emperor and the others.

What's more, the emperor, who was surrounded by memorials every day, naturally wouldn't talk about things in the court when he was out of the palace, but was interested in things outside.

For this reason, Murong Jue told everyone what he had seen and heard in the Jianghu, and everyone listened with great interest.It wasn't until almost all the invited people arrived, and Shangguan Yuntian came to invite the Queen Mother and the Emperor to the table, that he stopped with unsatisfied interest.

Then I went to the yard where the banquet was held with everyone.

However, when Murong Jue and Ye Feng walked halfway, they deliberately turned a corner and went to Qinghuang Courtyard.

They wanted to see if the two treasures had woken up. It had been a long time since they had been here, and they hadn't been hugged yet. Both of them felt a little uncomfortable.

So, while everyone was going to the table, the two wanted to see the two treasures.If the two treasures wake up, they can just hug them.If you don't wake up, it's good to have a look.

When they arrived at Qinghuangyuan, the two went straight to the nursery.The people guarding the house knew Murong Jue and Ye Feng well, but they didn't stop them and let them go in to see the babies.

The luck of the two of them was not bad. When they entered, the baby had already woken up and had just had a full meal, so it was time for him to be energetic.

The babies were very happy to see the two of them.Because they would go to the prince's mansion to see the two treasures from time to time, and the two treasures knew them already.

Two Treasures stretched out their small hands and waved towards them.

Murong Jue and Ye Feng happily stepped forward, one by one, and hugged the two treasures.Murong Jue liked Yuanyuan better, so he hugged her quickly.

Yuanyuan was carried away, and Ye Feng could only hold each other.Fortunately, he likes both babies.Holding one in their arms, the two happily left the nursery and went to play in the yard.

When Shangguan Yuntian brought the emperor and queen mother to the courtyard where the banquet was held, he turned his head and saw that there were two people missing, and couldn't help but smile.

Shangguan Yuntian understood the temper of the two of them, knowing that the two must have gone to see the two treasures, so he didn't ask anyone to look for them.

The emperor and the empress dowager didn't ask where they went, because as soon as they entered the courtyard where the banquet was held, a large number of people surrounded them to pay their respects. How could they have time to pay attention to Murong Jue and Ye Feng?
After seeing the ceremony, everyone returned to their seats and sat down.Although both the queen mother and the emperor said that everyone should not be restrained, everyone is still very restrained.

After all, the empress dowager and the emperor are sitting next to them. Characters who are usually only seen at palace banquets, now appearing beside them, no matter how approachable they are, everyone dare not be presumptuous.

The full moon banquet was due to the arrival of the emperor and the queen mother. Although everyone was cautious, the guests and the host had a good time, especially the appearance of the last two treasures, which pushed the banquet to a climax.

Everyone gave gifts to the two treasures one after another, and one tray after another was piled up.The person in charge of receiving the gift raised his hands sorely.

 The fourth watch is over!Ranran's new book "Ace Warm Marriage: Young Master Si, indulge in pampering! "

(End of this chapter)

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