The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1456 Yuntian ascends the throne

Chapter 1456 Yuntian ascends the throne ([-])

There are too many gifts, and I don't know how many trays have been changed.

After the banquet, the queen mother and the emperor were still a little bit reluctant, wishing to carry the two treasures into the palace.

It's just because the two treasures are still too young, so they didn't do this, but they confessed to Yehuang that they would often take the two treasures into the palace to play.Before leaving, the queen mother hugged the two treasures for a while, and then reluctantly left.

Murong Jue and Ye Feng didn't leave right away, although they hugged the two treasures for a while while everyone was having a banquet, it was not enough.

If it wasn't for the babies to sleep and breastfeed, the two of them wished they would hold each other for a whole day without letting go.No, the banquet is over, and neither of them intends to leave.

Ye Feng didn't leave, but Ye Su and Bai Luoyu also stayed behind.Bai Luoyu's belly is getting bigger, Ye Su stays with her every inch of her life, for fear that something might go wrong.

Because of her pregnancy, Bai Luoyu hadn't been to the Prince's Mansion for a long time, and hadn't talked to Yehuang.

Therefore, it is a rare opportunity to come to the babies' full moon banquet this time.Thus, Yehuang was dominated by Bai Luoyu until she left.

Several people stayed with the prince until dusk, and then left.Originally, Murong Jue didn't want to leave, but was pulled away by Ye Feng.

He is now on the shoulders with Murong Jue, since he is leaving and can't hold his grandson, why can Murong Jue stay?
So, feeling unbalanced in his heart, he directly pulled Murong Jue away.

The guests all left, and the Prince's Mansion became quiet.Yehuang, who had been busy for a whole day, was very tired, so she didn't care that it was time for dinner, so she went back to sleep directly.

Shangguan Yuntian also gave himself a day off, instead of going to the study, he went back to his room to rest with Yehuang.

The two were lying on the bed, and Shangguan Yuntian told Ye Huang what the emperor wanted.

When Yehuang heard that the emperor was about to abdicate, she was very surprised and said, "Is the emperor serious?"

It's no wonder that Ye Huang doubted the emperor, because power is really a good thing, let alone the pinnacle of power above ten thousand people.

There have been so many emperors throughout the ages, only Qianlong passed the throne to Jiaqing during his lifetime.The other emperors were all to die.

The emperor actually told Shangguan Yuntian to abdicate, whether it was true or false, Yehuang had to think deeply.

"It seems so." After Shangguan Yuntian finished speaking, he told Ye Huang what the emperor had said to him.After hearing this, Ye Huang fell silent.

It seems that the emperor is serious, if that's the case, then she can rest assured.Just be afraid, the emperor deliberately tried to test Shangguan Yuntian, so as to find an excuse to deal with him.

"Don't worry, the emperor is no longer the former emperor." Shangguan Yuntian saw Yehuang's worry, and comforted him with a smile.

He has seen the emperor's changes in the past ten months.It can be seen that the emperor really wants to treat him well and make up for him.

However, he has been unwilling to forgive the other party.Some damage has already been done, and no amount of compensation will help.

"Well, as long as you know what's in your heart." Yehuang didn't say much, and she couldn't get involved too much in the matter of the emperor and Shangguan Yuntian and his son.

"Don't worry!" Shangguan Yuntian smiled, now that the entire court and palace are under his control, even if the emperor wants to make calculations, he may not be able to do so.

In the early morning of the next day, an imperial decree from the emperor shocked the entire court.The minister listened to the content of the imperial decree, but didn't react for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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