The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1459 Yuntian ascends the throne

Chapter 1459 Yuntian ascends the throne ([-])

"Young master, don't worry, we will." The two nodded.

Donghua is troubled now, and the reason why they went there was to see what was going on.

"In that case, then you should hand over what you are doing to the people below." Yehuang didn't say much, as soon as Yefeng and Yehua left, she would have to take over many things.

Fortunately, Dong and Xia have been trained by her for a while, so they should be able to help her.What's more, there is Nangong Yu around.

Now, she no longer needs to be taken care of by Nangong Yu, so she can just go to the ghost gate to manage accounts or something.

Because there are still two babies at home, Yehuang didn't stay in the ghost gate much, and went back soon.

Shangguan Yuntian returned to the mansion one step ahead of her, and then went directly to Qinghuangyuan.He hadn't seen Ye Huang and the babies for most of the day, and he missed them very much.

However, when Shangguan Yuntian returned to the yard, he only saw Tuantuan and Yuanyuan, they were playing with the nuns, but Yehuang was not in the yard.

After asking, he found out that Ye Huang had gone to the ghost gate.

Turning around, Shangguan Yuntian was about to look for Yehuang, but he didn't want Tuantuan and Yuanyuan to find him, and then waved to attract his attention.

However, Shangguan Yuntian's attention was all on Yehuang's body, and he didn't even notice that the babies stretched out their hands to him.So, he strode away.

I don't want to, but before I walked a few steps, I heard the cries of the babies.

When the baby cried, Shangguan Yuntian's heart ached and he couldn't move.So, he turned around and quickly came to the babies, hugging them one by one.

Tuantuan and Yuanyuan cried back to their father, and soon burst into laughter, reaching out their small hands to touch Shangguan Yuntian's face.

With one small hand on one side, soft and cute, Shangguan Yuntian's heart softened.

He didn't bother to look for Yehuang anymore, and started playing in the yard with the two treasures in his arms.

When Yehuang came back, he saw the three father and son playing together, a smile instantly formed on his face, and he walked over.

The babies, who were having fun, were even happier when they saw Yehuang coming, and waved and kicked at her.

Ye Huang watched, with a slightly wider smile on her face, and joined the team playing together.

The family of four had a great time.

"Yuntian, how long have you been back?" Yehuang asked Shangguan Yuntian while playing with the babies.In the morning, Shangguan Yuntian deliberately sent a message back, saying that today will be busy.

"I just came back not long ago." Shangguan Yuntian replied with a smile while removing the baby's hand from holding Yehuang's hair.

"What about you, you went to the ghost gate today, what's the matter?"

"Yefeng and Yehua are planning to go out for a walk."

"Really? In this way, you will have more things to do."


While playing with the children, the two chatted without saying a word.It wasn't until the babies were tired and hungry that they carried them back to the house, fed them, and put them to sleep. Then the two of them looked at each other and smiled.

After laughing, Shangguan Yuntian saw Yehuang raising his hand to squeeze her shoulder, so he stood up, walked behind her, and said, "I'm tired of carrying the baby, I'll help you press it."

While talking, Shangguan Yuntian started to help Yehuang massage.

After pressing it for a while, Yehuang felt much better, which made Shangguan Yuntian stop, and then pulled him to sit down and talk.

The news of the emperor's abdication quickly spread, and people in the capital were discussing about it.

As for the discussion outside, Shangguan Yuntian was still the same as usual, facing up and down to accompany the child.It wasn't until a few days before he took the throne that he became busy.

 The fourth watch is over!The new book "Ace Warm Marriage: Young Master Si, indulge in pampering!" "

(End of this chapter)

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