The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1460 Yuntian ascends the throne

Chapter 1460 Yuntian ascends the throne ([-])

After being so busy, Yehuang and the babies couldn't see Shangguan Yuntian for a whole day.Every day when Shangguan Yuntian went out, Yehuang and the baby were already asleep.

When he came back in the evening, they were still asleep.

Originally, the queen mother and the emperor wanted to let Ye Huang and the babies move into the palace together.But Yehuang was reluctant, after all, there were too many women in the palace.Even though they are the emperor's women and have no conflict of interest with her, they still don't want to deal with them.

Unless one day, the emperor's women leave the palace, or are far away, she will live in it.

Yehuang was unwilling to move to the palace, and Shangguan Yuntian did not force her.It's just that you work harder.

On the night before Shangguan Yuntian ascended the throne, both the emperor and the queen mother asked him to stay in the palace, because he had to get up early the next day and had to go to worship the ancestors.

But Shangguan Yuntian still did not live in the palace and returned to the Prince's Mansion.For Shangguan Yuntian, not seeing his wife and children all day is already depressing enough, but not seeing him at night is absolutely unbearable for him.

So, Shangguan Yuntian returned to the mansion, and after seeing the child, he returned to his and Yehuang's room.

He lay down beside Ye Huang, looking at his sleeping wife, his heart was very peaceful.Bowing his head, he kissed Ye Huang's forehead, and then closed his eyes.

An hour later, Yehuang still didn't know about Shangguan Yuntian waking up to enter the palace to prepare for his enthronement.When she woke up and saw Shangguan Yuntian's changed clothes, she didn't know that he had been back.

Shangguan Yuntian was enthroned today, and Yehuang and the children were going to watch the ceremony.So, after breakfast, Ye Huang had someone prepare the carriage and took the babies into the palace.

In the palace, everything was ready, Shangguan Yuntian first went to worship his ancestors, and then ascended the throne.

When Yehuang brought the babies to the palace, Shangguan Yuntian hadn't returned from worshiping the ancestors.So, she took the babies to Ci'an Palace to see the Queen Mother.

The queen mother was very happy to see the two treasures.Stepping forward to hug the two of them one by one, Yehuang was startled, and shouted: "Grandmother!"

"It's okay, it's okay." The queen mother waved her hand, but Yehuang and Aunt Ju had already walked up to her and reached out to help her.

With the help of the two, the queen mother finally picked up the two treasures and sat on the soft couch.

"Grandmother, let them play on the soft couch." Yehuang suggested with a smile, not wanting to tire the Queen Mother.

The queen mother is not a brave person. She wanted to hug the two of them just now, but it was because she missed them so much that she forgot that she was an old man in her 70s.

So, after hearing Ye Huang's words, he smiled and put the two treasures down.

The two treasures don't have to be hugged by adults, relatively speaking, they prefer to crawl and play by themselves.So, after the queen mother put them down, the two treasures got up happily.

The queen mother looked at it, and immediately asked Aunt Ju to take out the things suitable for children that she specially picked out from the storeroom for them to play with.

Considering that the children are too young and afraid of bumping into each other, they are given light and soft things to play with.

The two treasures had a great time playing, and they didn't stop until they were tired.But at this time, it was almost time for Shangguan Yuntian to ascend the throne.

The queen mother saw that Yehuang was a little anxious, so she waved her hand and said, "Huang'er, go to the front to watch the ceremony. Tuanyuanyuan is here with me, and I will watch them for you."

Yehuang saw that the two treasures were sleeping happily, and there was really no way to take them there, so she nodded and left.

(End of this chapter)

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