The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1476 Running a Medical School

Chapter 1476 Running a Medical School ([-])

Yehuang's idea is very good. If he can really teach doctors as powerful as Yehuang, there will be a lot less people who die of illness after Dazhao.

After thinking for a while, Shangguan Yuntian looked at Ye Huang and said with a smile: "Huang'er, since you have this idea, go ahead and do it. I will always support you behind you."

Yehuang laughed when she heard the words, and then jokingly said: "It's okay to let it go, but my husband, should you give me some help?"

"What kind of sponsorship do you want?" Shangguan Yuntian also laughed and asked cooperatively.

"Of course it's money. I'm responsible for the effort, and my husband is responsible for the money. How about it?" Yehuang smiled. The establishment of a medical school is a matter for the court. How can it not be paid?
Although, she is not short of this little money, but she is doing business.This office must be paid by the state, right?
"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian replied without thinking.The establishment of a medical school is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. How can I let my wife contribute both money and effort?
"So straightforward, don't you think about it?" Yehuang asked with a smile, looking sideways at Shangguan Yuntian, his eyes full of cunning.

"You!" Shangguan Yuntian stretched out his hand and pinched Ye Huang's nose, with a doting expression on his face, and then he asked: "Huang'er, can you handle it alone? Do you want me to find some people to help you?"

"Okay." Someone helped her, and Ye Huang was too happy to be happy.After all, she has limited energy alone, and with her status, it is impossible to run outside all day.Therefore, although she came up with the idea, someone must help her realize it.

After talking for a while, the two took a break.

The next day, as soon as Ye Huang had breakfast, someone came to report to her.

Looking at the two people standing in front of her, Ye Huang was speechless.Shangguan Yuntian sent Fengyun Third Young Master and Qin Chao here.

One is the servant of the household department in the court, and the other is the commander of the guards in the palace. Is it really good to send these two people to help her?

However, since the two came, Ye Huang couldn't send them back, so he said to the two, "Sit down!"

Although Third Young Master Fengyun and Qin Chao were a bit awkward, they still sat down and said to Yehuang: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty asked us to obey your orders."

"Yeah!" Yehuang nodded, and then told them that she wanted to set up a medical school.

After hearing Yehuang's words, the two of them were as surprised as Shangguan Yuntian was back then.It is not that there are no colleges in Dazhao, but they are all for students to study.

But now the Empress actually says to set up a medical school to train doctors, is that okay?

After all, since ancient times, this doctor has been taught by others and passed down.But Yehuang wants to run an academy, so that means that doctors don't need to learn from teachers in the future, just go to the academy to learn.

Third Young Master Fengyun didn't think so much, he is now in charge of the account department, mainly responsible for money matters.Since Yehuang wanted to set up a medical school, money must be indispensable.

So he calculated it silently in his heart to see how much money he would need.

After doing the calculations, he looked up at Yehuang and said, "Madam, I have already done the calculations, and it takes roughly 20 taels of silver to run a college."

When Yehuang heard that the budget was similar to what she thought, she nodded and said, "I'll leave this matter to you. The location of the medical school has the following requirements..."

Yehuang said some requirements, and the third young master Fengyun remembered them one by one.

 Thanks for the reward from 13****44, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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