The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1477 Running a Medical School

Chapter 1477 Establishing a Medical School ([-])

The matter of site selection was handed over to Fengyun Third Young Master, so Qin Chao couldn't be idle either.Therefore, Ye Huang gave him a task of finding a wife.

To run a college, you must first have teachers, right?Moreover, teachers with both ability and political integrity are needed.

Although she already had a few candidates, it was not enough after all, she wanted Qin Chao to search again to see if there was a doctor who was outstanding in any aspect, so as to hire him to teach in the medical school.

After accepting the mission, Third Young Master Fengyun and Qin Chao both bid farewell and left.However, Ye Huang let Qin Chao go first, leaving Feng Yun San Shao behind.

When Qin Chao left, Ye Huang's words of "cousin" made Feng Yun San Shao relax a lot, then looked at her and said, "Huang'er, do you have anything to say to me?"

"Cousin, the last time my aunt came to visit me in the palace, she talked about your lifelong event." Yehuang smiled and said, a few days ago Nangong Yu came to the palace to see Yehuang, and specifically mentioned the marriage of the young master Fengyun .

Because the third young master of Fengyun has no girl he likes so far, Nangong Yu wants Yehuang to show her to see which one is suitable and marry her directly.

However, after thinking about it, Yehuang decided to seek the opinion of Third Young Master Fengyun.After all, getting married is Fengyun's third young master's lifelong affair, so it's better to choose a girl he likes.Just like Ye Su and Bai Luoyu, if they admire each other, they will live a happier life.

"Mother, what did she tell you?" Fengyun Third Young Master was slightly taken aback when he heard Yehuang's words.He remembered what his mother had said, that he would be given a year, and if he didn't find a girl he liked within a year, he would directly choose a marriage for him.

What Feng Yun San Shao didn't think about was that his mother finally came to find Ye Huang.

"My aunt wants me to give my cousin a marriage. I don't know what my cousin wants?" Yehuang smiled and told Nangong Yu's plan, which caught the young master Fengyun for another second, then looked up at Yehuang, hesitating After a while, he asked: "Huang'er, you didn't agree?"

"What's the matter? Cousin has a girl he likes?" Yehuang raised her eyebrows and looked at Third Young Master Fengyun.There was something wrong with his reaction, it seemed that there was someone in his heart.

"No, no!" Third Young Master Fengyun shook his head in denial, but the blush on his face betrayed him.

Yehuang knew, but still wanted to tease Third Young Master Fengyun, so she asked, "Really?"

"Really not." Fengyun Third Young Master still denied it, but Ye Huang's next words made his face change.

I only heard Yehuang say: "Since my cousin doesn't have a girl he likes, then I just happen to have a candidate. This is a decree to bestow a marriage, and it can be regarded as fulfilling my aunt's entrustment."

"Don't!" Third Young Master Fengyun suddenly yelled loudly, and only after he yelled did he feel that something was wrong, so his face became a little embarrassed, and he looked at Yehuang apologetically, wanting to explain: "Huang'er, I... "

"Cousin, why are you so excited?" Yehuang laughed, not wanting to listen to his explanation, but said: "If my cousin really has a girl he likes, why hide it under his armpit and tell aunt earlier, It's also good for her to propose marriage to other girls, isn't it?"

"Huang'er, my cousin really didn't lie to you. I really don't have a girl I like. However, there is a girl I have met a few times."

"Which girl?" Ye Huang suddenly became interested, Fengyun Third Young Master actually still had contact with her girl, it wasn't that he liked her, but she must have liked him.

Yehuang's eyes glowed with gossip, which made Fengyun Sanshou a little bit overwhelmed, and avoided her gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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