The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1479 Running a Medical School

Chapter 1479 Establishing a Medical School ([-])

Thinking of this possibility, Master Du's expression changed slightly, and he said: "Madam, the Queen's post is probably related to Qingqiu."


Madam Du was startled and looked at her husband.If it was related to the daughter, it could only be a marriage.Thinking of Du Qingqiu's marriage, Mrs. Du couldn't help feeling a little worried.I don't know what's going on with my daughter, and I showed her several families, but she didn't want to.

It stands to reason that this marriage is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker.But Du Qingqiu forced him with his life.

They had no choice but to compromise.No, it has been delayed until now.

"Don't worry, ma'am, it may not be what we think. Let's talk about it after seeing the empress." Master Du saw his wife's worried face, and couldn't help comforting her.

Now, it's useless for them to guess here, they'd better wait until they meet the empress to find out.But one thing is certain, the empress will never let Du Qingqiu enter the palace.

Thinking that her daughter would not enter the palace, Lord Du was relieved a lot, and carefully explained to his wife that after entering the palace, listen more and talk less.If the empress mentions Du Qingqiu's marriage, don't rush to agree, wait until you come back to discuss it.

Mrs. Du agreed one by one, and then entered the palace in a carriage under the watchful eye of Mrs. Du.

After Yehuang got up for lunch, the people below reported that Mrs. Du had entered the palace.So, someone invited her to the side hall first, and after washing himself, he changed his clothes before going to see her.

"I've seen the empress!" Seeing Yehuang, Madam Du immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Madam Du is free." Yehuang smiled and helped Madam Du, then sat down on the soft couch, looked at Madam Du who was nervous and laughed, and said: "Madam, don't be nervous. When you enter the palace, it's just to talk about family life."

"My wife is terrified." Madam Du stood aside respectfully, with her head lowered, not daring to look at Yehuang.

Seeing Madam Du like this, Yehuang didn't say much, and ordered: "Come here, show Madam Du a seat."

As soon as the sound fell, someone immediately brought a chair in and placed it at Madam Du's feet.

"Mrs. Du, sit down!" Yehuang smiled and motioned for Mrs. Du to sit down, and then chatted about homework.The two of them talked about Du Qingqiu's marriage.

Hearing Yehuang mention Du Qingqiu's marriage, Mrs. Du became more and more nervous.As expected, they guessed it right.

"I don't know if Miss Du has agreed with her?" Yehuang asked straight to the point.

"Go back to your mother's words, not yet." Mrs. Du shook her head, looked at Yehuang, and lowered her head again.Yehuang's question reminded Mrs. Du of how Yehuang chose a wife for Ye Su in the Prince's Mansion.

Originally thought that her daughter could be selected, but in the end Yehuang chose someone else.

"Since no one has been chosen, I want to be a matchmaker for her. I wonder what Mrs. Du would like?"

When Mrs. Du heard that Yehuang was going to be Du Qingqiu's matchmaker, she finally stopped bowing her head, but looked up at her, and asked nervously, "I don't know who is the matchmaker?"

"Third Young Master Fengyun, Minister of the Household Department, I don't know if Mrs. Du has any impression?"

"Lord Fengyun?" Madam Du was taken aback, looking at Yehuang.Unexpectedly, she actually acted as a matchmaker for Fengyun Third Young Master.But after thinking about it, it makes sense.Third Young Master Fengyun is Yehuang's cousin, so there is nothing wrong with her being a matchmaker.

"It seems that Madam knows him." Ye Huang watched Madam Du's performance and laughed.From this point of view, not only Ms. Du has seen her cousin, but also Mrs. Du.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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