The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1480 Running a Medical School

Chapter 1480 Establishing a Medical School ([-])

If so, then everything is easy to say.It's just that I don't know what Mrs. Du's impression of her cousin is, and whether she will agree to this marriage.

"Have met once."

"I don't know what Madam's impression of Master Fengyun is?" Ye Huang asked with a smile, if Madam Du's impression of Third Young Master Fengyun is not bad, then the matter will be half done.

Madam Du looked at Yehuang, not knowing how to answer.Young Master Fengyun is Yehuang's cousin, how can she evaluate it in front of her face.

Looking at Madam Du's expression, Yehuang knew that her question was abrupt.So, he smiled and said: "Ma'am, don't be embarrassed. As for the matter I mentioned, Madam can go back and think about it carefully, and then just write back to Bengong."

After finishing speaking, Ye Huang did not continue this topic, but talked about other topics with Mrs. Du.After talking for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, someone sent Madam Du out of the palace.

After returning to the mansion, after getting off the carriage, Mrs. Du went straight to Mrs. Du's study.At this time, Dr. Du is usually in the study, reading books, or practicing calligraphy.

"Madam, are you back?" Seeing Mrs. Du, Master Du immediately poured her a cup of tea to moisten her throat.

"I'm back." Madam Du nodded, then drank the water in one gulp, then sat down and said, "Husband, you guessed it right, the Empress really asked about my daughter's marriage."



"Then I don't know who the empress wants to be a matchmaker for?" Mrs. Du asked.After Mrs. Du entered the palace, he also filtered out the houses in the capital that had men of the right age. I don't know if he wanted to choose the same house as the empress.

"Master Fengyun, Minister of the Household Department." Mrs. Du spat out a few words, and a light of understanding appeared in Mrs. Du's eyes.

Sure enough, it was the same as he thought.Speaking of Fengyun Third Young Master, he is quite optimistic, but the other party's family background is a little weaker, and there is only one widowed mother in the family, which makes him hesitate.

"It's a young talent, unfortunately..." It's a pity that Mrs. Du didn't finish, but Mrs. Du understood.

If it wasn't for that reason, they would have had someone come to their door to say kiss.

"Husband, now that the Empress is intervening, can we refuse this marriage?" Mrs. Du was a little worried. If Yehuang ordered directly, they would have no way to refuse.

"As long as we don't agree, the Empress will not force it. It's just that we have to find a husband's family for our daughter as soon as possible." Lord Du frowned.If Du Qingqiu doesn't want to marry Fengyun Third Young Master, then he has to settle down with him quickly.

"I think so too, but that dead child Qingqiu doesn't want to see one, and doesn't want to see another, I don't know what she thinks."

Hearing his wife's words, Master Du suddenly had an idea in his mind, and asked: "Madam, do you think Qingqiu has a man he likes, otherwise why would she resist so much?"

"Husband, what do you mean?" Mrs. Du's face changed when she heard the words, she didn't know what she thought of, and then she looked at Mrs. Du again, hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter, ma'am?" Du Daren looked at his wife with a puzzled expression and asked.

"Daughter, the person my daughter likes may be Mr. Fengyun." Mrs. Du also suddenly thought of what happened in the villa, Du Qingqiu was rescued by the third young master Fengyun.

She was thinking, wouldn't it be that time, she would secretly agree with Fengyun Third Young Master?
 Thank you for the reward you can't let go, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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