The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1481 The First Dean

Chapter 1481 First Dean ([-])

Otherwise, why would she not agree to the marriages again and again.At first, she thought that Du Qingqiu did this because of Ye Su.

Thinking about it now, it's impossible.Qingqiu is not a stubborn child, knowing that it is impossible for Ye Su, she will never be so obsessed.

"What did you say?" Master Du looked at Mrs. Du in shock. When did his daughter meet Fengyun Third Young Master? Why didn't he know?
"I said my daughter might have taken a fancy to Mr. Fengyun."

"How do you say that?"

"When I was in Zhuangzi last year, Qingqiu and the maid went to the back mountain to play, and met a wild beast and were rescued by Mr. Fengyun." Mrs. Du briefly told Mrs. Du what happened last year, and then analyzed the abnormalities of her daughter. I gave it to the other party.

After hearing Mrs. Du's words, Mrs. Du became silent.After a while, he said to Mrs. Du: "Madam, go test your daughter and see if the person he likes is really Mr. Fengyun. If so, we can fulfill her."

"Okay, then I'll try it." Mrs. Du listened to her husband very much, and immediately agreed.

After finishing speaking, Madam Du got up and left, intending to check on Du Qingqiu's tone.Nor did she ask her husband why he had changed his mind.

However, as a woman, marry and obey your husband.She just listens to what her husband decides.

Mrs. Du went to Du Qingqiu's yard, talked with Du Qingqiu for a while, and then she seemed to mention something unintentionally, the empress is showing Fengyun Third Young Master.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Du Qingqiu's expression changed, and he became absent-minded.

Mrs. Du looked at it, and she knew it.

So, she talked with her daughter for a while, and then left directly.

Knowing what her daughter was thinking, Mrs. Du went to the study again and told Mrs. Du.After listening to Master Du, he pondered for a while, and then ordered: "Don't rush back to Empress Empress, I will find someone to inquire and find out what the origin of Young Master Fengyun is."

"Okay, I will obey my husband."

Here, the Du family began to secretly investigate Third Young Master Fengyun because of Ye Huang's words.Over there, after Fengyun Third Young Master returned to the mansion, he was called over by his mother again, and gave him a lot of orders.

Now, the mother and son have already moved out of the Prince's Mansion, and moved into the mansion given to Third Young Master Fengyun by Shangguan Yuntian.

The mansion is not very big, there are three people in the room, but it is more than enough to accommodate their two mothers and children.

"Mother, are you looking for me?" Third Young Master Fengyun came to his mother's room and asked with a smile.

"Boy, you are not young now, when do you plan to start a family?" Nangong Yu looked at her son and asked with a smile on her face.

The son is good at everything, but this marriage is not caring at all, so she doesn't know what to say about him.Every time his marriage was mentioned, he either looked left and right, or refused to answer.

She could have waited a little longer before, after all, her son had nothing.Now that he has established his foothold in the court, it's time to get married.

"Soon." Third Young Master Fengyun said seriously.It's just that in Nangong Yu's ears, it sounded perfunctory.

So, she stared at Third Young Master Fengyun and said, "You brat, it's already this time, and you're still giving me sloppy eyes?"

"Mother, what are you talking about?" Fengyun Third Young Master looked at his mother sadly, it was really fast.If the Du family agrees, then he can really get married soon.

But why didn't my mother believe what he said?

(End of this chapter)

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