The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1487 Recruiting Students Widely

Chapter 1487 Recruiting Students ([-])

At this moment, a warm feeling slowly flowed into Ye Huang's heart, warming her whole body.She just sat on the bed like that, looked at Shangguan Yuntian and his serious appearance, and was stunned for a while.

"Huang'er, you're awake." Sensing Ye Huang's gaze, Shangguan Yuntian raised his head and glanced at her.

"Yeah!" Yehuang nodded and smiled at Yehuang.

"You're hungry, I'll get someone to bring in food." Shangguan Yuntian put down the ink brush and memorial, then slowly got up, came to the bed, and looked at Yehuang with a gentle face.

"Okay!" Yehuang looked up at him, with a wide smile on her face.

"Come here!" Shangguan Yuntian yelled, a court lady came in, blessed the two of them respectfully, and said: "What is the emperor's order?"

"Go get someone to bring the food in."

The maid took the order, blessed her body again, and then withdrew.

After a while, the food was brought in.Shangguan Yuntian waved the others to retreat, and then served Ye Huang himself and started eating.

After a busy day and sleeping for most of the night, Ye Huang was really hungry.So, I couldn't help but want to eat more.

However, Shangguan Yuntian refused to let him go, and persuaded: "Huang'er, it's already midnight, you can't eat too much, or it will be bad if you accumulate food in a while."

Ye Huang originally wanted to eat, but when she saw that it was already midnight in the hourglass, she had to stop her chopsticks.

After eating, Yehuang took a rest for a while, feeling drowsy again, so she refused to let Shangguan Yuntian approve the memorial, and dragged him to sleep.

After sleeping for a whole night, Ye Huang went out of the palace in a frenzy again and went to work on the medical school.Shangguan Yuntian was dealing with political affairs in the palace, but during lunch, he specially asked the people in the imperial dining room to prepare some favorite dishes for Ye Huang, and asked Qin Chao to deliver them.

They ate outside at noon yesterday, and he noticed that Ye Huang didn't eat much, and guessed that the food outside might not suit her taste.

When Yehuang saw the meal that Shangguan Yuntian specially asked Qin Chao to send, a happy smile appeared on his face.She didn't eat much yesterday, but she was noticed by Shangguan Yuntian, which really made her not know what to say.

To her, Shangguan Yuntian has always been as careful as a hair.

Time flies quickly, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.The school building of the medical school was almost completed, and Yehuang finally had time to rest, staying in the palace to accompany Shangguan Yuntian and the two treasures.

Because she was too busy during this time, Yehuang hadn't been with the babies properly for a long time.So, after breakfast, she took the two treasures and walked around the palace.

Anyway, the palace is huge, and there are no jealous concubines or anything, so the mother and son can go shopping wherever they want.

So, they started from Fengqi Palace and went to the Imperial Garden.

The babies haven't played with Yehuang for a long time, and they seem very happy and excited, interacting with Yehuang from time to time.

Yuanyuan is a girl, and she has gradually developed a love for beauty.When you see that beautiful flower, you can't move your eyes and stare at it for a long time.

At this time, Yehuang would stop and let Yuanyuan watch as much as she could.Sometimes, she would pick one for Yuanyuan to play with.

As for Tuantuan, he has no interest in these flowers, grasses or anything else.After Yehuang's observation, he seemed to have a special love for books.

Every time I see a book or account book in her hand, I can't help but glance at her.For this reason, sometimes Yehuang would specially read a passage to Tuantuan, and Tuantuan could listen to it with gusto.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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