The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1488 Recruiting Students Widely

Chapter 1488 Recruiting Students ([-])

The mother and son were a little tired after strolling in the garden for a while, so they went to the pavilion to rest.In the pavilion, some palace people had prepared melon and fruit snacks and tea, as well as a three-character scripture specially prepared by Yehuang.

Babies are too young to eat, just watch.Yehuang, on the other hand, ate a lot, and then fed the two treasures, and then put the two back into the cart, picked up the Three Character Classic and began to read it.

When Yuanyuan listened to Yehuang's reading, she soon became sleepy, closed her eyes and fell asleep.On the contrary, Tuantuan listened very carefully, as if he could understand.

Yehuang read for a long time before stopping. Looking at Tuantuan who was still in high spirits, she reached out and pinched his face and said, "Tuantuan, it's time to sleep."

However, Tuantuan looked at Yehuang with wide eyes, as if saying, "I still want to hear it."

Seeing the baby's cute appearance, Ye Huang curled her lips into a smile, pinched him again, and said in a discussing tone: "Tuantuan, let's go to bed after listening for a while, okay?"

Tuantuan seemed to understand, and looked at Yehuang for a long time before blinking.

Seeing that the baby agreed, Yehuang continued to read what she had just said.After reading for a while, Yehuang stopped reading.

The sound of reading could no longer be heard, and Tuantuan blinked again.But Yehuang stopped reading, but looked at him seriously and said: "Tuantuan, who promised mother to go to sleep after listening to this passage? Now, mother has finished reading, should you fulfill your promise? ,Go to sleep?"

After hearing Ye Huang's words, Tuantuan curled her lips and closed her eyes obediently.

When Shangguan Yuntian came to find him after he was done with political affairs, he saw Yehuang sitting in the pavilion, staring at the flowers in the distance in a daze, while the two treasures were sleeping peacefully in the cart.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ye Huang came back to her senses, saw Shangguan Yuntian, her eyes lit up, and said, "Are you finished?"

"I'm done." Shangguan Yuntian smiled, sat down beside Yehuang, looked up at the babies, and said, "Are you tired? Do you want to go back and rest for a while?"

"Alright!" Yehuang's eyes paused on the babies, and she nodded.Although it is sunny outside, the wind is still a bit strong. To prevent the babies from catching a cold, it is better to go back.

"Come on!" Shangguan Yuntian called softly, and a hidden guard appeared.

"Send your highness and princess back." Shangguan Yuntian confessed, then bent down and picked up Yehuang, and returned to Fengqi Palace with lightness kung fu.

Back in Fengqi Palace, Yehuang took Shangguan Yuntian's hand, and the two went into the bedroom to rest together.

When she woke up, Yehuang found that there were two more babies on the bed.At this time, they were playing with Shangguan Yuntian.

In order not to disturb her, the father and son kept their voices very low.

Sensing Yehuang waking up, the father and son looked at him together.

"Are you awake?" A smile appeared on Shangguan Yuntian's face, and the babies also opened their hands to Yehuang and crawled towards her.

Seeing the two crawling on the bed with buttocks pouted, Ye Huang curled her lips into a smile.

The two treasures didn't crawl fast, and it took a while to reach Ye Huang, and then one hugged her leg and the other her arm.

Seeing the cute appearance of the two treasures, Yehuang didn't care about not washing up, and directly picked them up and gave them a kiss.

The two treasures giggled after being kissed by Yehuang, regardless of the saliva on their faces, they kept pushing into her arms, looking like they were fighting for favor.

 Thanks to Cat for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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