The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1490 Recruiting Students Widely

Chapter 1490 Widely Recruiting Students ([-])

After finishing speaking, the Empress Dowager turned her head to Aunt Ju who was supporting her and said: "Aju, remember to remind Ai's family to give the luminous pearl sent by the East China Sea to the babies."

"Yes, the Empress Dowager." Aunt Ju replied with a smile, keeping this matter in her heart.

A group of people entered the hall, the Empress Dowager sat down on the soft couch, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian moved a chair and sat beside them.

As for the two treasures, they were carried on a soft couch and played with the Empress Dowager.Originally, the Empress Dowager wanted to hug the two of them, but because the two treasures had gained weight and stature, Shangguan Yuntian was afraid that the Empress Dowager would be tired, so she didn't let her hug them.

The Empress Dowager felt a little regretful for not being able to hold the two treasures.But when he thinks about his body, he can only give up.Then play with the babies in peace of mind.

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang sat in the hall for a while, watching the empress dowager having fun with the babies, they were fine sitting aside, so they said hello, and went out of the hall to visit the garden.

Although the garden on the Empress Dowager's side is not as big as the Imperial Garden, it has a nice view.There are rockery and flowing water, pavilions, terraces and attics, and the garden is full of exotic flowers and plants.

But among these exotic flowers and plants, a piece of chrysanthemum is particularly conspicuous.

"Hey, why is there a large piece of chrysanthemums here?" Ye Huang looked at the piece of chrysanthemums in surprise, and pointed to Shangguan Yuntian.

"It was planted by Aunt Ju, she has always loved chrysanthemums." Shangguan Yuntian explained with a smile.Because Aunt Ju loves chrysanthemums, the Empress Dowager gave her the name Ju.

The husband and wife strolled around the garden for a while, and some palace servants came to invite them back for dinner.

After eating, the two stayed with the Empress Dowager for a while, and then left with the babies until she fell asleep.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Qin Chao came to report to Yehuang, saying that some students had come to the medical school to sign up.

Hearing the news, Yehuang was overjoyed, and left the two treasures directly, and went to the medical school.

Today was the first day of registration for the medical school. Although Ye Huang had prepared for it, she was still a little shocked to see the long queue.

When did medical skills become so popular?
Among the people queuing up, there are all kinds of people.At a glance, Yehuang found that there were young masters in fine clothes, peasant boys in coarse cloth, and beggars in rags.

"Have these people come to line up early in the morning?" Ye Huang pointed to the long line and asked Qin Chao who was beside him.

"Returning to your mother's words, I heard from the people below that many people have come before dawn, and I'm afraid they won't be able to register."

Hearing this, Yehuang was silent for a moment.She came to line up before dawn, and she couldn't help but think of her previous life. Every September when new students sign up, those parents get up in the early morning to line up, just to sign up for a name for their child.

However, the difference is that the people queuing here are themselves, while in modern times it is the parents.

"Go and prepare some tea and snacks. With so many people, the waiting time must not be short. Don't let them get thirsty and hungry."

After giving Qin Chao instructions, Ye Huang quickly walked into the academy.

Entering the college, Yehuang went directly to the dean's room.As the first dean of the medical school, Murong Jue took up his post and arrived a long time ago.

When he came, he thought he was the first, but when he saw the long line outside the academy, he was as shocked as Ye Huang.

He never thought that so many people would come to study medicine.

I thought it would be pretty good to recruit a hundred or eighty people.But looking at the long queue outside, there are at least 500 people.

(End of this chapter)

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