The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1491 3 Young Marriages

Chapter 1491 The Marriage of the Three Young Masters ([-])

That's not counting, I heard that there are still people on the road behind, rushing here.

Hearing this news, Murong Jue was happy, but couldn't help but worry about the school.Although there are quite a few dormitories now, they can only accommodate up to 300 people.

Now 500 people came all at once, and there will be more behind. As the dean, can he not worry?
No, he is discussing with several masters how to arrange the school dormitory.Seeing Yehuang approaching, the masters all stood up and saluted her.

Ye Huang waved her hand to avoid everyone's greetings, then sat down next to Murong Jue, and then said: "Master, there are too many students who came to sign up, which is beyond my expectation. How is the school arranged? , I don’t know if Master has rules.”

"Huang'er, I'm also worried. I'm discussing this with my masters." Murong Jue looked at Yehuang with a sad expression on his face.

"Now our school can accommodate 300 people. If it is really not possible, we can only let the students squeeze first. As for how to arrange the rows later, I will think about it first."

If there are too many people, the school must be expanded.Fortunately, there is an open space next to the school, and it is not difficult to expand it.However, right now, this level has to be passed first.Otherwise, the students will have no place to live, which is not good. "

"Your Majesty, why don't we limit the number of recruits first?" A master suggested.Since you can't recruit so many people, then just recruit fewer people.


Yehuang shook her head when she heard the words. She had also thought about this question.However, it was quickly rejected.Because these students who came to sign up are still only primary candidates.

After the primary election, there is a re-election.Only those who pass the re-election can really stay and study.For this reason, there will be more people in the primary election.

"If there is no limit on the number of people, what should we do if the dormitory really can't fit?" Another teacher asked.There are students teaching, of course they are happy.But if there are too many people, it will be troublesome.

"I'll figure it out." Yehuang looked at Murong Jue and his masters and had no choice but to think of another way.

Originally, these students were ranked the best in the academy.But now it seems that there are too many people, and we can only temporarily exclude some of them.

Fortunately, there are a few Zhuangzi nearby, you can borrow them temporarily.

Thinking about it, Yehuang immediately yelled outside: "Come here!"

Qin Chao heard Yehuang's shout, walked in, and asked respectfully: "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

"Go and check, who owns all the Zhuangzi around here."


"In addition, you should inform the examiners who are interviewing again, and let me screen out the list of those whose families are in the capital."

"Yes, my subordinates will do it now." Qin Chao turned and left. Ye Huang looked at the masters and said, "We are recruiting students these days, so there shouldn't be much to do. Masters, if you have something to do at home, you can ask for leave."

Hearing what Yehuang said, several wives waved their hands at the same time and said: "No need, we have arranged everything at home. We have nothing to do these few days, so we can sort out the lesson plans first."

"Since that's the case, then I won't say much. I have to leave to the gentlemen in the future. I hope that during the re-election, I can see the progress of these students."

"Madam, don't worry about this, we will definitely do our best to select as many medical talents as possible for Dazhao."

"With your words, I feel relieved." Yehuang laughed after hearing the words.As long as the masters are attentive, she will feel at ease.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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