The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1492 3 Young Marriages

Chapter 1492 The Marriage of the Three Young Masters ([-])

Yehuang sat in the dean's room for a while, then went back to her exclusive room.

After a while, Qin Chao came back.

"Your Majesty!" Qin Chao cupped his hands towards Yehuang, and then said: "My subordinates have checked, those Zhuangzi are the prime minister's family, the richest man's family and a courtyard in the palace."

"There are other courtyards in the palace, why didn't I know?" Yehuang was taken aback when she heard the words from the palace.As a queen, she manages some properties and property in the palace.Why has she never heard that there is any other courtyard in the palace.

"It's under the name of the Supreme Emperor." Qin Chao explained.Of course, Ye Huang didn't know anything about the Great Emperor.

"Okay, I understand." Ye Huang nodded, signaling Qin Chao to back down.Since it is the other courtyard of the Supreme Emperor, I wonder if she can borrow it first.

Anyway, she had to ask the Supreme Emperor first.However, before asking, she had to go to the other courtyard to see how many people it could accommodate.

If there are many people living there, she doesn't need to borrow from the other two houses.

Having made up her mind, Ye Huang found Qin Chao again and asked him to accompany her to the Emperor's other courtyard.

Qin Chao took the order and took Yehuang to the other courtyard of the Supreme Emperor.

The other hospital is very close to the medical school, and we arrived in a short time.Looking at the courtyard in front of her that was several times larger than her medical school, Yehuang's eyes lit up instantly.

It seems that as long as the Supreme Emperor agrees, this other courtyard should be enough to accommodate those students.

After seeing the other courtyards of the Supreme Emperor, Ye Huang went to the other two courtyards to have a look.The other two other courtyards are relatively small. If they want to live in them, they can barely accommodate five or six hundred people together.

After such a comparison, Yehuang finally felt that it would be better to choose the other courtyard of the Supreme Emperor.

With a decision in her heart, she took Qin Chao back to the palace directly.Although the Supreme Emperor had abdicated, he was still being raised in the palace. With the Empress Dowager by his side, plus seeing the two treasures from time to time, he didn't feel lonely.

Moreover, this imperial palace is not very far from the royal courtyard, and he sometimes goes to the other courtyard to see other concubines.

Yehuang's luck was pretty good, when she went back to the palace and asked, she knew that the Supreme Emperor hadn't gone out, so she went directly to the palace where he lived.

When the Supreme Emperor heard Eunuch Liu say that Yehuang was asking for an audience, he was a little dazed, and after a while asked again: "Liu Fu, what did you just say? The empress is here?"

"Yes, the Supreme Emperor, the empress is asking to see you outside." Liu Fu repeated with a smile.

"Please come in." The Supreme Emperor said, and after a while, Ye Huang was invited into the hall.

"My daughter-in-law has met her father." Ye Huang made a big gift to the Supreme Emperor.

"Get up." The Supreme Emperor gently raised his hand, signaling Ye Huang to get up, and then asked: "Are you here today to find something?"

Yehuang heard the question from the Supreme Emperor, and said straight to the point: "Father, it's like this. My daughter-in-law heard that my father has a courtyard outside the city, and wants to borrow it for a while. I don't know what the father wants?"

"You want to borrow the lonely courtyard, and you will borrow it for a period of time. I don't know what to do with it?" The Supreme Emperor knew that he had a courtyard outside the city, but he seldom went there.For so many years, it seems that I haven't been there once.

However, I was a little curious about Yehuang's intention to borrow his other courtyard, so I asked this question.

"Father, it's like this. My daughter-in-law has opened a medical school outside the city. I thought it would be great if I could recruit 400 people, but today, on the first day of enrollment, no less than 500 people came. The school my daughter-in-law originally planned for I can't afford it, so I want to borrow my father's other courtyard."

(End of this chapter)

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