The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1493 3 Young Marriages

Chapter 1493 The Marriage of the Three Young Masters ([-])

Yehuang briefly explained, but the Supreme Emperor was shocked.Although he is in the palace, he has long since ignored his affairs.

Moreover, the people around him are not people who like to gossip, so they don't know anything about Yehuang's medical school.

Eunuch Liu knew about it, but he wouldn't take the initiative to talk about it if the Supreme Emperor didn't ask.

"You opened a medical school?" The Supreme Emperor looked at Yehuang and asked.

"Yes, father. The medical school just started enrolling students today. If father has time and is interested, he can go to the medical school run by his daughter-in-law." Yehuang laughed and said lightly.

There is no complacency about running a medical school by myself.

"Okay, since you said that you will enroll students today, and you want to use Gu's other hospital, then choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun, and take Gu to have a look today."

"I'm so happy." Ye Huang agreed with a smile.

So, in a short while, the Supreme Emperor changed into a normal suit, followed Yehuang and took Eunuch Liu to the medical school.

When they arrived at the medical school and saw the long queue, the Supreme Emperor and Eunuch Liu were both startled.Is this recruiting students?Since when did the youngsters of Jokha love learning so much?How could there be such a long line.

Before, I thought that Yehuang was exaggerating in it, but looking at it now, not only did she not exaggerate, but she said a lot less.

"Father, there are many people here, let's go to the academy first." Looking at the surprised Emperor, Ye Huang secretly smiled.

No matter who it is, it will be surprised to see this situation.

The Supreme Emperor followed Yehuang into the academy, and then looked around.It's not that he hasn't visited the college before, but the medical school run by Yehuang made him discover many differences from other colleges.

Yehuang was by the side of the Supreme Emperor, explaining things to him from time to time.Before visiting the entire academy, the Supreme Emperor had already taken Ye Huang with admiration.She also fully agreed to the matter of borrowing another courtyard.

However, the Supreme Emperor has one requirement, that is, not to destroy things in other courtyards.After all, there are many precious things inside, and if they are missing, it will be difficult to find them again.

Yehuang nodded and agreed, and was very grateful for the Supreme Emperor's willingness to borrow another courtyard.

So, she immediately asked Qin Chao to send more people to pack up those things before dark, and then arranged for those students with better conduct to move in.

After giving orders to Qin Chao, Ye Huang accompanied the Supreme Emperor to have a meal in the medical school, and then sent him back to the palace.

Back in the palace, Shangguan Yuntian had already heard about Yehuang borrowing the other courtyard from the Supreme Emperor, so he asked with concern: "Huang'er, have you borrowed the other courtyard? If not, you can tell me directly, I will ask the emperor to ask for it." go."

Now, the emperor is him, and if he asks the emperor for a separate courtyard, he can still come.

After hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words, Yehuang laughed and said, "Don't worry, father has already agreed to lend me the other courtyard."

"Really? The emperor agreed?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang in surprise. It was beyond his expectation that the Supreme Emperor could agree to Yehuang.

"Yes!" Yehuang smiled, and told about the matter of taking the Supreme Emperor to the medical school.

After hearing Yehuang's words, Shangguan Yuntian also laughed.Now that the Supreme Emperor has agreed, he can't do anything more.

Originally, he thought that if the Supreme Emperor refused, he would directly make the other courtyard his own, and then give it to Ye Huang.

No, the Supreme Emperor himself agreed, which saves him trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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