The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1494 3 Young Marriages

Chapter 1494 The Marriage of the Three Young Masters ([-])

Here, the enrollment of the medical school is in full swing, and the dormitory has been settled. Murongjue and his masters are relieved, and they only think about how to let the students enter the medical school as soon as possible in the next short-term training. Status, and successfully passed the check.

On the other hand, the marriage of Young Master Fengyun was also on the agenda.

As early as a month ago, the Du family had already agreed to the marriage of Third Young Master Fengyun after weighing things up.Although Master Du still failed to find out the origin of Third Young Master Fengyun, but he couldn't help that Du Qingqiu liked Third Young Master Fengyun, so he finally agreed to the marriage.

Once the marriage was confirmed, Nangong Yu, the mother of Fengyun Third Young Master, began to walk around with the Du family, discussing the marriage, setting a date for the marriage, and inviting people to the Du family for employment, proceeding step by step.

Although Third Young Master Fengyun was not very enthusiastic about his marriage, he did not leave it aside.After helping Yehuang with the medical school affairs, she directly devoted herself to the marriage.

Because Yehuang was busy with the medical school, she couldn't spare much.Fortunately, she assigned a nanny to help Nangong Yu.

It wasn't until the matter of the medical school came to an end that Yehuang began to care about the marriage of Third Young Master Fengyun.So, she called the nanny who had been sent to Nangong Yu before, and asked about the marriage.

"Going back to your mother, Master Fengyun's wedding has already gone through six ceremonies, and the wedding date is set on the sixteenth of next month." Mammy replied with a smile.

This Nangong Yu is also impatient, in order to get his daughter-in-law into the family as soon as possible, he specially set a relatively near auspicious date.

For this, Yehuang can understand.Besides, Du Qingqiu is not young anymore, people of her age have already married, and the Du family also wants to marry her off as soon as possible.

It is reasonable for the two families to hit it off so quickly that the wedding date would be set so urgently.

Fortunately, Mrs. Du has already prepared the dowry for Du Qingqiu, so she won't appear to be in a hurry.

After asking the nanny, Yehuang was going to reward Du Qingqiu with some things, so she asked someone to draw up a list, and after reading it, she asked the eunuch to send the things to Du's house.

The Du family was very happy to see what Yehuang sent someone to send, and thanked them all the time.

Hearing her father-in-law's report, Ye Huang smiled and put the matter behind her.

The next day, Yehuang specially recruited Nangong Yu into the palace again, and asked her how her preparations for the wedding were going, and if she needed her help.

No, Nangong Yu said with a smile: "Huang'er, we are almost ready to welcome the bride, but my aunt would like to ask you to send a few nuns to help train the maids in the mansion."

Third Young Master Fengyun has her own mansion, and Nangong Yu has also bought a lot of servants, but she herself is not very good at training people after all.Although there is a nanny by her side, she has limited energy and can only help her with housework.As for the matter of training the girl, he couldn't spare his hands.

After much deliberation, Nangong Yu thought of Yehuang.There are quite a few nuns in this palace, and all of them have undergone strict training and are very well-behaved.With them, they will definitely be able to train those girls in the house well.

If it was in the past, it didn't matter if the girls in the mansion taught her slowly.But now that Young Master Fengyun is getting married, and he is in the officialdom, it is inevitable that colleagues will come to visit.Nangong Yu didn't want others to say that her girl had no rules.

For Nangong Yu's request, Ye Huang readily agreed, and pointed her to two nuns to follow Nangong Yu back to the mansion, and told them that they could come back after Third Young Master Fengyun got married.

(End of this chapter)

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