The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1496 Beauty in Arms

Chapter 1496 Beauty in Arms ([-])

Yehuang glanced at the roof where she was, and immediately understood Shangguan Yuntian's intentions, so a smile appeared on her face, then bent down, lifted the roof tiles, and looked towards the new house below.

In the new house, there was already a commotion.When Yehuang looked over, someone was holding an apple and asked them to bite each other.

Young Master Fengyun looked at the apple handed to him, opened his mouth and directly bit into it.When it was Du Qingqiu's turn, she blushed with embarrassment and dared not bite it down.

As a newlywed, although she had heard about having a bridal chamber, she was too shy to actually experience it.As a lady of great family, she had never seen such a thing.

"Bride, hurry up, bite!" Seeing Du Qingqiu's slow movement, someone immediately booed and urged her.

Third Young Master Fengyun looked at his new wife's shy appearance, and a flash of pity flashed in his heart.Although, he doesn't like Du Qingqiu very much, but now that she is married to him, she is his wife.

So, he came out to rescue Du Qingqiu, saying: "Let me help her!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the room, and then it became lively again.Someone said, "How can this work? The bride must bite."

"That's right, groom officer, you don't count, how can you replace it?"

"However, if you must be replacing, it's not really impossible, you have to be punished."

"Punishment for what?"

"It doesn't take much to carry the bride around in circles, twenty circles will do."

On the roof, Yehuang watched with relish.It turns out that this is what happens in the bridal chamber, and she finally saw it.Time passed little by little, and finally someone came to drive away the bridal chamber troublemaker.

Yehuang was tired from lying on the roof, so she turned to Shangguan Yuntian and said, "Yuntian, let's go down too."

Shangguan Yuntian nodded with a smile, then got off the roof with his arms around Yehuang's waist, and went back to the resting room.

Back in the room, I saw that the two treasures were still sleeping.So, he ordered people to hold the babies, bid farewell to Nangong Yu and went back to the palace.

After returning to the palace and setting up the babies, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang soon rested.

At Fengyun Third Young Master's residence, the guests left one after another, and the bridal chamber troublemaker also left afterward.Soon there were only the bride and groom left in the bridal chamber.

When the two were alone, Du Qingqiu became more and more shy, sitting on the marriage bed with his head lowered, not daring to look at Third Young Master Fengyun.

"Miss, it's getting late, let's settle it down." The Third Young Master Fengyun, dressed in bright red and happy clothes, approached slowly, looked at his wife with a face as delicate as a peach blossom, and smiled faintly.

"En!" Du Qingqiu responded softly, his voice was like a mosquito, and he couldn't hear it unless he listened carefully.

Hearing Du Qingqiu's response, Fengyun Third Young Master smiled a little wider, and reached out to help her take off the phoenix crown.

After taking down the phoenix crown, Du Qingqiu immediately felt a lot of relief on his head, so he slightly raised his head and looked at Third Young Master Fengyun.

Today's Third Young Master Fengyun made her feel extraordinarily different. He looked even more handsome and handsome in a happy attire, and even the smile on his face seemed to have a touch of evil.

"Lady!" Sensing Du Qingqiu's gaze, Fengyun Third Young Master softly called out.

"Husband!" Du Qingqiu replied, but his face became more and more red.

"Miss, it's getting late, let's rest." Fengyun Third Young Master took another step forward, his masculine breath rushed towards his face, forcing Du Qingqiu to fall down on the bed behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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