The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1497 Beauty in Arms

Chapter 1497 Beauty in Arms ([-])

Young Master Fengyun looked at him, raised his long eyebrows, then bent down, getting closer to Du Qingqiu who had his eyes slightly closed.

The red candles are burning high, and the new house is full of spring.Outside the new house, the moon that was originally hanging high did not know when it hid in the clouds and disappeared.

The night of the bridal chamber, when nominations for the gold list.

The next day, Third Young Master Fengyun woke up early, looked sideways at Du Qingqiu's still peaceful sleeping face, and slowly felt a warm feeling in his heart.

He never thought that it was just a small effort at the beginning, but the other party became his wife.

As for Du Qingqiu's favorite thing about him, Fengyun Third Young Master didn't know it from the beginning.Instead, when he was going back to the palace, he was blocked by Du Qingqiu's maid, and then he discovered the clue.

At that time, because he was concerned about the reputation of the girl's family, he didn't pay attention to the girl.I thought that my refusal was already obvious, and Du Qingqiu should also know his attitude, so as to withdraw his heart from himself.

Sometimes, fate is so strange.People who want to hide, but they will meet.That was a few months ago, when he was out of the city on business, he encountered a carriage that got out of control unexpectedly.

In desperation, he didn't think too much about it, he directly dealt with the horse pulling the cart first, and then controlled the carriage.

When the carriage stopped, he turned his head and said to the people in the carriage behind him, "Don't be afraid, it's all right!"

What Fengyun Sanshao didn't expect was that just after he said this, a warm body appeared on his body, and when he looked down, he found a girl who had thrown herself into his arms.

Third Young Master Fengyun was startled, he reached out and pushed the girl away.However, the girl obviously didn't expect that he would push away, so she lost her footing and fell to the ground.

When he saw it, it was broken, so he had to reach out and pull the other party back.In this way, the girl returned to his arms.

Until then, a familiar voice sounded in my ear.Feng Yun took a closer look, only to find that there was another person in Mali, who was Du Qingqiu's maid whom he had met several times.

Only then did he realize that the girl in his arms was none other than Du Qingqiu.

So, he didn't know what to do for a while, so push it away.He was also afraid that Du Qingqiu would fall off the carriage again, so why don't you push him away, a big girl leaning against his arms always felt uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Du Qingqiu to back away from his embrace, and then raised a still pale face to thank him.

At this moment, a feeling of pity suddenly flashed in Fengyun's heart.It was also from this moment that this girl named Du Qingqiu left a mark in his heart.

That time, Third Young Master Fengyun personally sent Du Qingqiu home.After that, Du Qingqiu met him several times in the name of thanking him, and the two of them became familiar with each other after going back and forth.

For this reason, when Yehuang talked to him about getting married that day, the first thing he thought of was Du Qingqiu.

Now, looking at his wife lying beside him, Third Young Master Fengyun couldn't help but lament the wonder of fate.He couldn't help but think of the City of No Sadness, a place he hadn't thought of for a long time.

If he hadn't met Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian there, would he have become a loner?
Fortunately, he met Yehuang; fortunately, he left the city of no sorrow.Now that he is married and has established a career, he can finally make his mother no longer blame and feel guilty, and he can finally make her stand upright.

Thinking of the smile on his mother's face yesterday, Third Young Master Fengyun finally felt relieved.Mother finally doesn't have to blame herself anymore, that's great!

(End of this chapter)

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