The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1498 Beauty in Arms

Chapter 1498 Beauty in Arms ([-])

Du Qingqiu woke up under Fengyun's third young master's smiling gaze. As soon as he opened his eyes, he met the gaze of the man he loved. Du Qingqiu was still a little shy.

However, shyness is shyness, but Du Qingqiu has not forgotten the business.So, she gently pushed Third Young Master Fengyun with her hand, and said, "Husband, it's getting late, we have to get up and serve tea to mother."

"There's no rush, my mother said yesterday, it doesn't matter if we serve tea later today." Third Young Master Fengyun said with a smile, not intending to get up so soon.

Although it was getting late now, it was rare to have the opportunity to stay in bed, and there was a beautiful person by his side, so he was even more reluctant to get up.

Hearing Fengyun Third Young Master's words, Du Qingqiu's face was blushed again, and he was very shy.As a newcomer, how could she not understand the meaning of Fengyun Sanshao's words.

In addition, Fengyun Sanshao kept looking at him ambiguously, which made him feel even more embarrassed.So, unable to bear it, he stretched out his hand to pull up the quilt and covered his head.

Third Young Master Fengyun watched, the smile on his face became more intense, he reached out and took off the quilt covering Du Qingqiu's head, and said: "Lady, don't be fooled, I will feel sorry for my husband."

"Hate it!" Du Qingqiu glared at Third Young Master Fengyun coquettishly, feeling sweet in his heart.She was really happy that the man she had admired for more than a year had finally become her husband.

Thinking of his gentle treatment last night, she felt extremely happy.

At that time, Third Young Master Fengyun did not decide on a marriage for a long time, and did not find anyone to propose marriage to her. She thought that she might miss him in this life.But he didn't think that, in the end, he came to propose marriage.

When she heard the news, she wept with joy, almost fainted from joy, and asked people to confirm whether the news was true.

It wasn't until her mother told her that she completely believed that she was not dreaming.Later, the wedding date of the two was set, although it was only a little over a month.But since then, she has been counting the days.

Now, she finally married Third Young Master Fengyun and finally became his wife. She was really very happy.

Fengyun Third Young Master looked at Du Qingqiu saying 'hate' on his mouth, but his face was full of joy, his mood instantly became happy, and he said ruffianally: "Hate it? Is that so?"

While talking, he lowered his head and kissed Du Qingqiu's delicate lips.

"Husband, don't! It's morning." Du Qingqiu was startled by Fengyun's third young master's sudden kiss, and stopped him while reaching out to push him.

"It's okay!" Third Young Master Fengyun spit out three words, and then kissed Du Qingqiu deeply.

Du Qingqiu was quickly defeated by Fengyun Third Young Master's kiss.There was no strength left to stop her, the whole body sank into his kiss.

The two kissed selflessly, and the clothes on their bodies were unknowingly missing.When Du Qingqiu realized it, Fengyun Third Young Master had already covered her body.

"Husband, no!" Du Qingqiu is a lady from a great family, and was taught to be polite and respectful of rules since childhood.How dare he do such intimate things with Fengyun Third Young Master during the day?
"It doesn't matter, marry and obey your husband, lady, you have to listen to your husband." Fengyun Third Young Master smiled wickedly, and directly blocked Du Qingqiu's lips after speaking.

Du Qingqiu was so bet by Fengyun Third Young Master's words of 'marry and follow husband' that he was speechless, and then let Fengyun Third Young Master take her into the clouds bit by bit in a daze.

Du Qingqiu was so tired that he fell asleep again.

Third Young Master Fengyun watched her fall asleep, smiled, and then specially found someone to go to Nangong Yu to tell her that she would come to serve tea later.

(End of this chapter)

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