The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1499 Beauty in Arms

Chapter 1499 Beauty in Arms ([-])

Upon hearing this, Nangong Yu smiled, and said to the visitor: "Go back and tell the young master to let them rest well. When they have enough rest, it will not be too late to offer tea."

After finishing speaking, she let everyone disperse and went to work.

Besides, after hearing Nangong Yudai's words, Fengyun Third Young Master laughed, stretched out his hand to hug Du Qingqiu into his arms, and closed his eyes.

When Du Qingqiu woke up again, the sky was already bright, and the sun had risen to a pole high.

"Husband, wake up!" Du Qingqiu opened his eyes, seeing that it was already late, he panicked, and pushed the young master Fengyun who was still asleep.

"What's wrong?" Third Young Master Fengyun was woken up by Du Qingqiu, opened his eyes and asked.

"Husband, we got up late." Du Qingqiu looked at Fengyun Third Young Master and was about to cry.Today I want to offer tea to the elders, but she has slept until this time, and she doesn't know how much the elders will think of her.

"It's okay, I've already told my mother that I'll be there later. Don't worry!" Third Young Master Fengyun looked at Du Qingqiu's anxious look, and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her.

"How can it be all right? Mother will definitely not like me."

However, his comfort was of no use to Du Qingqiu.Before getting married, Mrs. Du told her that she must not get up late on the first day.

But now, she not only got up late, but also got up very late.This is how to do?In case the mother-in-law gets angry, show her face, will she have a better life in the mansion in the future?
"Qingqiu!" Seeing Du Qingqiu like this, Fengyun Third Young Master was very distressed, and couldn't help calling her boudoir name.

"Husband?" Hearing Fengyun Third Young Master call his name, Du Qingqiu stared blankly at him.

"Qingqiu, don't worry, mother won't dislike you. Don't worry, take your time. If something happens, I will bear it." Third Young Master Fengyun comforted Du Qingqiu.

After speaking, he got up and brought over the clothes that the two of them had put on the screen.

Even though Third Young Master Fengyun said there is no need to rush, Du Qingqiu was still a little anxious.Today is the first day, so I have to give my mother-in-law a good impression.But now, it's so late, can mother-in-law really ignore it?
Du Qingqiu was anxious and apprehensive, and became more and more flustered, he couldn't even put on his clothes.

Seeing her like this, Third Young Master Fengyun didn't know what to say, so he could only help.

Du Qingqiu was surprised when he saw that Young Master Fengyun wanted to help him put on his clothes, and said: "Husband, let my nanny and maid come in."

"No need, I'll just help you." Third Young Master Fengyun said while helping Du Qingqiu get dressed.

Both of them were fully dressed, so he let the people waiting outside come in to help them wash.

After washing up, Third Young Master Fengyun had someone bring him breakfast.After the two of them had eaten, they asked someone to tell Nangong Yu that they would serve tea in the past.

As soon as Nangong Yu heard that the two were getting up, she immediately put down what she was doing and went to the main hall to wait for the two to come and offer tea.

Du Qingqiu followed Fengyun Third Young Master into the main hall with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes, a little afraid to look at Nangongyu.After all, the new daughter-in-law was the only one who served tea and slept so late on the first day.

She didn't dare to look at Nangong Yu's expression, for fear of seeing that she didn't like her, or hated herself.

"Mother, I'll bring Qingqiu to serve you tea." Fengyun Third Young Master knew Du Qingqiu's worry, so he spoke first.

Nangong Yu glanced at the two of them, especially when she saw Du Qingqiu bowing her head, thinking she was shy, so the smile on her face got a little stronger, and she responded with a smile: "Okay!"

"Bring me the tea!"

Nangong Yu gave an order, and immediately brought the tea to Du Qingqiu.

 The fourth watch is over!However, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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