The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1500 Beauty in Arms

Chapter 1500 Beauty in Arms ([-])

Du Qingqiu suppressed the tension in his heart, reached out to take the tea, knelt down in front of Nangong Yu, and said, "Mother, please drink tea!"

Nangong Yu smiled and took the tea in Du Qingqiu's hand, took a sip, then put it aside, took out the meeting gift that he had prepared earlier, handed it to her, and said: "Hey, open the tea for our family as soon as possible." Branches and leaves."

Nangong Yu was the only elder in Fengyun's family, so after offering tea to her, the ceremony of offering tea was considered complete.

After accepting Nangong Yu's gift, Du Qingqiu also took the gift she had prepared from the hand of the maid beside her. It was the clothes she personally sewed for Nangong Yu.Whether it is the embroidery on the clothes or the needlework, she sewed them by herself.

"Mother, this is a suit of clothes that my daughter-in-law made for you, I hope mother won't dislike it." Du Qingqiu lifted the clothes high and handed them to Nangong Yu.

Seeing the clothes in front of her and hearing Du Qingqiu's words, Nangong Yu's face turned into a flowery smile, and said: "I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it, it's too late for my mother to be happy, how can I dislike it?"

As she spoke, she reached out and took the clothes.He took the clothes, looked at the needlework and embroidery on it, loved it so much, couldn't help boasting: "Qingqiu, your needlework is really good, much better than your mother's craftsmanship."

Du Qingqiu was a little embarrassed by Nangong Yu's praise, and softly called out: "Mother!"

On the other hand, Fengyun Third Young Master saw that his mother really liked Du Qingqiu, so he was completely relieved, and then said for her: "Mother, you are too embarrassed to praise Qingqiu."

"Stinky boy, what's wrong with me praising my daughter-in-law? I think you are jealous?" Nangong Yu glared at Fengyun Third Young Master, then took Du Qingqiu's hand and said, "Qingqiu, if this kid bullies you in the future , just tell mother, mother will decide for you.”

"Thank you mother, my husband is very kind to me and won't bully me." Du Qingqiu lowered his head and said shyly.

Third Young Master Fengyun was really kind and gentle to her.

"Mother, am I still your son?" After hearing Nangong Yu's words, Third Young Master Fengyun's face collapsed and he pretended to be sad.

"Stinky boy, are you not my son or who is your son?" Nangong Yu glared at Fengyun Third Young Master, and reached out to hit him, but he quickly avoided it.

Du Qingqiu's eyes widened as he watched Nangong Yu and Fengyun Sanshao's mother and son getting along.She has never seen such a mother and child who can joke and fight at will.

However, precisely because of this, her previous worries and tensions have long since dissipated, and she likes this atmosphere very much.

She fantasized that one day she would be able to joke with Nangong Yu like Fengyun Third Young Master.

After Nangongyu and Fengyun Third Young Master fought a few words, seeing Du Qingqiu standing aside and not speaking, she stopped, and told the nurse next to her: "Go and call the servants at home, let them come and see you." Too young grandma."

Mammy responded and went out.

After a while, she came back and said to Nangong Yu, "Ma'am, everyone is waiting outside."

Nangong Yu nodded, then turned to Du Qingqiu and said, "Qingqiu, let's go and meet the people in the house with mother."

"Yes, mother!" Du Qingqiu obediently replied, and then followed Nangong Yu out of the room.

Outside the house and in the yard, there were already many servants from the mansion standing there.

Nangong Yu glanced at everyone, and then said: "This is your young mistress, and she will be in charge of the affairs of the house from now on. Now, salute to your young mistress."

 Thank you Zimo Hongchen for your tip, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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