The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1510 Xishui shot

Chapter 1510 Xishui shot ([-])

The maid was taken down, but Xi Shuiling was still in a bad mood.She coldly glanced at the people in the hall, seeing that everyone was cautiously afraid of her, her violent emotions came to her heart again, and she shouted: "You, and you, all raise your heads and look at me. palace."

The maids and eunuchs heard Xi Shuiling's words, although they were afraid, they had to raise their heads to look at her.Because, in the entire Chaoyang Palace, Xishui Ling is their ruler.She let them live, they live, let them die, they die.

Xi Shuiling was quite satisfied with everyone's obedience.His eyes swept around, and he had no intention of killing any more for the time being.

Xi Shuiling quickly looked away, and then said: "Putting out the Royal Garden."

"Yes!" A eunuch replied, then quickly ran out of the hall, stood in front of the sedan chair and waited for Xi Shuiling.

As for the maids, they surrounded her, ready to serve her at any time.

After getting on the sedan chair, Xishui Ling headed towards the imperial garden.I don't want to, but when I was walking on the road, I heard two court ladies chatting, the content said that one of her imperial sisters was bestowed by the emperor with a wishful husband.

The words 'Ruyi Langjun' once again stimulated Xi Shuiling, causing her violent aura that had been suppressed with great difficulty to surge up again.

"Go and bring those two people to Bengong." Xi Shuiling ordered, she hated people mentioning these four words in front of her the most.

Once, she also had a wishful gentleman in her heart, but a trip to Donghua Kingdom made her fall from heaven to hell.

Ruyi Langjun became someone else's, she became disabled, and became a monster that everyone detested.

Thinking about it, hatred filled Xi Shuiling's chest, she regretted, she hated, hated the wishful gentleman in her heart.If he could take pity on her, wouldn't she be what she is now.

Of course, she hated the person who robbed her of her wishful husband even more. She wished she could tear him into pieces, eat her flesh, and drink her blood.

However, she has become a waste now, and there is no one useful around her, so it is simply impossible to get revenge.

Because of this, her temper will become more and more violent.Even though she is the eldest princess now, she has no power at all.

No matter whether it was the people in the palace or those in the court, no one looked down on her.It's just that due to her status as the eldest princess, she has to bow her head.

As for being used by her, it is simply impossible.

Originally, she still had the Hengshan faction to use, but since her accident, the Hengshan faction was directly angered by the emperor, and all of them were wiped out. How can there be anyone available?

Therefore, even if she returns to the palace and is named the eldest princess, there is no one who is really willing to rely on her and be used by her.

There are a few court ladies and eunuchs, but she doesn't like them at all.These individuals, apart from being good at serving people, can't help her at all except for her to calm down.

The two court ladies were quickly brought to Xi Shui Ling, trembling all over.It never occurred to them that they were bumped into by Xi Shuiling just after saying a few words on the road.

As for the prestige of Xishui Ling, almost everyone in the palace knew about it.

"What were you talking about just now? Tell me again." Xi Shuiling sat on the sedan chair, looking down at the two court ladies.

"Princess, spare your life, princess, spare your life, we dare not do it again." The two maids turned pale and kowtowed to Xi Shuiling, how could they dare to say anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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