The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1511 Sending troops to attack China

Chapter 1511 Sending troops to attack China ([-])

"Why, didn't you hear what this princess said?" Xi Shuiling said coldly, looking at the two court ladies, said coldly: "Do you need to repeat what this princess said just now?"

"My lord, princess?" The two maids looked up at Xi Shuiling timidly, not knowing whether her words were true or not.

"What? Do you really want this princess to say it again?" Xi Shuiling's voice became a little colder, and the violence in his eyes became a little more intense.

Just as the two maids were about to speak, a man's voice came into everyone's ears.

"Prince, what are you doing?"

Following the sound, Prince Xishui Chuxuan walked over with two eunuchs.

"Brother Prince, why are you here?" Seeing the Prince, Xi Shuiling frowned.She is quite afraid of this imperial brother, so she generally does not dare to act presumptuously in front of him.After all, he is the future emperor, and whether she will live well in the future depends on him.

"Come out to get some air, I don't want to run into the imperial sister." The prince said as he came to Xi Shui Ling.

When he got closer, he saw the two court ladies kneeling on the ground, his eyes flickered, then looked at Xi Shuiling, and asked with a smile: "My Royal Sister, what's the matter? These two court ladies made you angry Is it? How about elder brother help you vent your anger?"

Xi Shuiling glanced at the two maids, and originally wanted to say no.But when he thought that he would have to work under the prince's hand in the future, he changed his mind and said, "Okay, then these two lowly maidservants will be handed over to the prince's brother."

"Okay, don't worry, imperial sister, the prince will definitely help you vent your anger." The prince smiled, and then called out: "Come here, take these two people down, and train them well."

As soon as the sound fell, a guard came out immediately, and went down with the two maids.

Before being taken away, the two court ladies cast a grateful glance at the prince.Fortunately, the prince is here, otherwise they would both be dead today.

Seeing the two palace maids being taken down, Xi Shuiling's eyes darkened.In order to live a better life in the future, she endured it.

After the two maids were taken away, the prince looked at Xi Shuiling again and asked, "Sister, are you going to visit the Imperial Garden?"

"Yeah, do you want to be together?" Xi Shuiling laughed.It's just that when she smiles, she looks uglier than when she doesn't.

However, the prince has no intention of disliking Xi Shuiling.He still felt a little guilty towards Xi Shui Ling, if he hadn't asked Xi Shui Ling to go to Donghua Kingdom to find Ana, maybe she would have been fine.

"Okay, today I will accompany the imperial sister to visit the imperial garden." The prince smiled, and walked around the garden with Xi Shuiling.

After strolling around for a while, both of them were a little tired, so they found a pavilion and sat down.

After the two sat down, the prince looked at Xi Shuiling's appearance, a pity flashed in his heart, and said, "Sister, what are your future plans?"

"Plan?" Xi Shuiling looked at the prince, slightly taken aback.Since her face and feet were disabled, it was the first time someone asked her about her plan.

To be honest, she really didn't have any plans.Now the only obsession is revenge, revenge, revenge.

"Yes, plan." The prince looked at Xi Shuiling, she could never go on like this for the rest of her life.Now, she still has some value, and if she needs it, he is willing to fight for more benefits for her.

At least, it will allow her to live comfortably in the future, instead of being abandoned and thrown into the poor kiln as before, and no one cares about her.

Xi Shuiling looked at the prince and saw the sincerity in his eyes, so she thought for a while and said suddenly: "Brother Prince, I want to take revenge, can you help me?"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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