The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1512 Sending troops to attack China

Chapter 1512 Sending troops to attack China ([-])

"Revenge?" The prince was taken aback, looking at Xi Shuiling.It never occurred to him that at this time, Xi Shuiling still thought of revenge.

"Yes, Brother Prince. If you really want to help me, then help me get revenge." Xi Shuiling said seriously.Revenge has become her obsession. If she doesn't take revenge, she will never be peaceful in her life.

"Sister, weren't you bitten by a wolf? Could it be that you asked me to find a wolf to avenge?" The prince looked at Xi Shuiling in confusion.Both her face and her legs were bitten by wolves.

Finding revenge is easy, but finding wolves is difficult.Who knows where the wolf that bit Xishui Ling went, maybe he died long ago?

"Revenge on the wolf? How is that possible?" Xi Shuiling sneered and said, "What I'm looking for is a person, a bitch who ruined my happiness."

Speaking of the word 'bitch', Xishui Chuxuan was startled by the hatred emanating from Xishui Ling, and at the same time secretly frowned.

This Xi Shui Ling's hatred was too strong, no wonder his temper became more and more violent, killing people at every turn.It seems that before there is no revenge, her hatred is probably hard to get rid of.

After a long while, Xishui Chuxuan looked at Xishui Ling and asked, "I don't know who the imperial sister's enemy is?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's Yehuang, that bastard." Xi Shuiling gritted her teeth and said Yehuang's name, and the hatred in her body became stronger.

"Yehuang?" Xishui Chuxuan's eyes widened, and he wondered if he heard it wrong.If he remembered correctly, Yehuang was the empress of Dazhao.

Xi Shuiling actually wanted to seek revenge on Dazhao's empress, she must be out of her mind.

Not to mention that Xishui Kingdom and Dazhao are far away, even if they are close, Ye Huang, who is the queen, will definitely have many masters by her side. What are they going to take for revenge?

"That's right, it's her!" Xi Shuiling nodded, her eyes full of madness.She felt that her whole life was ruined in Yehuang's hands. She always felt that without Yehuang, Shangguan Yuntian would be her husband and her man.

And she, as long as she marries Shangguan Yuntian, will be the happiest woman.

Looking at the crazy Xishui Ling, Xishui Chuxuan asked tentatively: "Sister, do you know the identity of Yehuang?"

"What identity, isn't she Dazhao's concubine?" Xi Shuiling looked like a prince, don't you know, the prince couldn't help but raised his forehead, and said, "Prince sister, she is no longer the prince. Concubine..."

Xi Shuiling was obedient halfway, and suddenly became excited, and said: "What, she is not the princess, that's great. It must be Shangguan Yuntian who saw through her true face and divorced her."

"It's all right now, since she has no status, it will be easier for me to take revenge.

"God help me too."

"It seems that my revenge can finally be avenged."

Xishui Chuxuan looked at Xishuiling's complacent look, and didn't know what to say.He hasn't finished his sentence yet?

But he couldn't bear to interrupt Xi Shuiling's fantasies, so he sat silently until Xi Shuiling closed his mouth, and then said: "Sister Huang, calm down first."

"Brother Prince, what's the matter?" Xishui Ling looked at Xishui Chuxuan with a puzzled face, why should she be calm, she is very calm now, okay?
"Sister, Yehuang is indeed not the Crown Princess." Xishui Chuxuan wanted to explain to Xishuiling, but he was interrupted again before he finished speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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