The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1513 Sending troops to attack China

Chapter 1513 Sending troops to attack China ([-])

I only heard Xi Shuiling say: "I know, the prince brother has already said this just now."

"Yes, I have already said it, but I haven't finished my words yet." Xishui Chuxuan couldn't bear it, hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "What I didn't finish is that Yehuang is now the queen of Dazhao .”

"What?" Xi Shuiling doubted her ears a little. Didn't Yehuang get divorced by Shangguan Yuntian and became a queen? Does that mean that Shangguan Yuntian is already the emperor?
When she thought that Shangguan Yuntian was the emperor and the queen was Yehuang, the hatred in Xi Shuiling's heart.The violence in his body surged again, his eyes became red, and his face was distorted severely.

"Sister, what's the matter with you, are you alright?" Seeing Xishui Ling like this, Xishui Chuxuan was a little frightened and asked loudly.

However, at this time, Xishui Ling was already controlled by the heart demon, and Xishui Chuxuan's cry could not be heard.Her eyes were red, and she pulled out the whip on her body violently, without looking at anyone, she directly whipped towards Xishui Chuxuan.

How could Xishui Chuxuan have expected that Xishuiling not only carried a whip with him, but also beat himself.So he didn't pay attention for a while, and was caught straight.

Fortunately, at the last moment, he reacted and turned his face slightly, otherwise he would have been disfigured just like Xi Shuiling.

As the crown prince, Xishui Chuxuan was stunned when he was suddenly beaten.When he came back to his senses, his face became ugly in an instant.

But at this time, the guard who was secretly protecting Xishui Chuxuan also reacted, came out and stopped Xishui Ling.

Suddenly being controlled, how could Xi Shuiling be willing, struggling non-stop, shouting frantically, and said: "Bitch, bastard, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you. Let go, let go Me, I'm going to kill that bitch."

Looking at Xi Shuiling like a lunatic, and being beaten with a whip, her neck was hurting.The pity in Xishui Chuxuan's heart was gone, and he looked at Xishui Ling and ordered the guards coldly, saying: "Shock her unconscious, and then lock her up."

After giving the order, Xishui Chuxuan no longer looked at the struggling Xishui Ling, and left angrily.

After leaving the Imperial Garden, Xishui Chuxuan first went to the Imperial Hospital to get medicine, and then went to the Emperor Xishui.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would just turn a blind eye to what Xi Shui Ling did.

But now, this Xi Shui Ling went crazy, even hitting him, how could he bear it?
When he arrived at the place where Emperor Xishui was handling government affairs, Xishui Chuxuan first checked himself to make sure that there was nothing wrong with him, and then let his father-in-law who was guarding outside go in to report.

When Emperor Xishui heard that the crown prince was coming, he didn't think too much about it, and let him in directly.

"My son has met the emperor." Xishui Chuxuan bowed to Xishuihuang.

"Get up!" Hearing Xishui Chuxuan's voice, Emperor Xishui still buried his head in the memorial and did not lift it up.

It wasn't until he finished approving a memorial that he looked towards Xishui Chuxuan.While looking at him, he asked, "What's the matter with the prince?"

After asking, he noticed that there was a piece of white gauze wrapped around Xishui Chuxuan's neck, his gaze couldn't help changing, and he asked, "Prince, what's wrong with your neck?"

"It's nothing, I accidentally got hurt." The prince said with a smile.

"Accidentally?" Xishuihuang's gaze became severe, and he said, "You are still injured in the palace because the guards around you didn't do their duty."

"Come here, cut off the guards around the prince. Even the master can't protect him well, so what's the use of keeping them?"

(End of this chapter)

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