The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1514 Sending troops to attack China

Chapter 1514 Sending troops to attack China ([-])

As soon as the words came out, the prince's expression changed, he stepped forward and knelt in front of the emperor, and said, "Father, wait a minute!"

"Why, you want to intercede for them?" Xishuihuang's eyes became more and more severe, looking at the prince kneeling below.

"My minister did not intercede for them. It's just that my minister's injury was not caused by their dereliction of duty, but..." Xishui Chuxuan deliberately hesitated, in order to deepen Xishuihuang's anger.

Sure enough, after looking at him for a long time, but did not say the reason, Xishuihuang's face became more and more ugly, and the anger on his face gradually emerged.Immediately afterwards, Emperor Xishui slapped the table hard, and then said: "As a prince, what kind of words are hesitating, why don't you say it quickly."

"Yes, Royal Father." Xishui Chuxuan replied, and then told about how he and Xishuiling visited the Imperial Garden together and how they got hurt.

After listening to Xishui Chuxuan's words, Xishuihuang frowned and asked, "You mean, Xishuiling is crazy?"

"Father, it's not easy for the son to judge, but when she attacked the son, she looked exactly the same as when the practitioner went mad."

"So serious?" Xishuihuang frowned even deeper.It's not that he didn't know that Xishuiling abused the palace servants before, but because she still had some uses, he turned a blind eye and closed one eye.

But now, this Xishuiling not only abused the palace servants, but also shot at the prince, which made him have to think, is there a day when Xishuiling didn't like him, and then shot him?

Thinking of this possibility, Emperor Xishui felt that the matter of Xishuiling could not be tolerated and must be severely punished.

So, he looked at Xishui Chuxuan, and asked, "Prince, how are the preparations for sending troops to Donghua Kingdom going?"

When Xishuihuang suddenly mentioned this matter, Xishui Chuxuan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly recovered, and then said: "We are almost ready to go back to father emperor. In less than ten days, our army will be ready It's ready to go."

"Very good!" Emperor Xishui nodded, and then ordered: "Before the army is deployed, take care of Xishuiling first. Once the army is deployed, take her to Donghua Kingdom, and then find a chance... ..."

Empress Xishui didn't say what she said in front of her, but made a gesture of silence.

Since she wanted to seek justice from Dong Hua for Xi Shui Ling, how could she not show up?After Xi Shui Ling appeared, another murderer would kill her, which would kill two birds with one stone. She could not only get rid of Xi Shui Ling, a lunatic, but also put the blame on Donghua Kingdom. Why not do it?

Seeing Xishuihuang's actions and the killing intent in his eyes, Xishui Chuxuan was a little shocked.But he quickly came to his senses, then nodded and said: "Father, don't worry, I know what to do."

Here, Emperor Xishui was discussing with the prince how to kill Xishui Ling and get the greatest benefit.Over there, Xi Shuiling was taken to the Punishment Department in the palace and locked up.

However, she woke up not long after she was imprisoned in the Punishment Division, and then looked at the empty hut, unable to react for a long time.

After a while, she remembered something, so she yelled towards the door: "Come on, come on!"

"What are you shouting for?" An impatient voice came into Xi Shuiling's ears.


Xi Shuiling's face changed immediately, and then she dragged her broken body to the door, knocked on the door, and shouted loudly: "You dog slave, open the door quickly, my princess wants to go out."

(End of this chapter)

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