The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1515 Sending troops to attack China

Chapter 1515 Sending troops to attack China ([-])

However, the voice from outside annoyed her again.I only heard the people outside say: "Without the words of His Royal Highness, who would dare to let you go out?"

"What did you say?" Xi Shuiling couldn't believe her ears, and said in a cold voice, "Say it again, who locked this princess here?"

"His Royal Highness, the servant advises you to calm down for a while. It is good to hurt His Highness the Crown Prince without killing you. Moreover, the princess is only locked up now, and the princess is not tortured. If it is someone else, I'm afraid that if I don't die, I will have to shed a layer of skin."

After hearing what the eunuch outside the door said, Xi Shuiling recalled what happened before again.When she finally remembered what she had done, her face turned pale.

She, she actually beat the prince?That's her backing in the future, and she actually beat him.

Damn, is she a pig?How could he be so stupid as to beat the prince?

No, she wants to go out, she has to apologize to the prince.She doesn't want to be locked up here for the rest of her life, and she hasn't taken revenge yet.

By the way, revenge.

It's all the fault of Ye Huang, that bitch.If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have gone mad before, let alone hurt the prince.Damn bitch, she's gotta kill her.

While thinking, Xi Shuiling said to the eunuch outside: "Go and tell the prince, I want to see him."

"His Royal Highness, the servant advises you to calm down. When the prince's anger subsides, he will naturally come to see you. Now, the prince is busy, how can I have time to see you? Besides, you just hurt the prince, is it possible?" Want to hurt the prince again?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? My princess wants to see the crown prince, why don't you go and report it?" Xi Shuiling immediately became angry after hearing the eunuch's words.

She hurt the prince with a mean hand before, and she doesn't know how to remedy it?Now, this dead eunuch dares to mock and laugh, what the hell?
However, for Xi Shuiling's words, the eunuchs outside just ignored them.These minions are the most able to adapt to the wind.

If we say that before Xishuiling hurt the crown prince, they were afraid of her and afraid of her, after all, she was the eldest princess.

But now, after she hurt the prince and was sent to the Punishment Department, who would be afraid of her?

It's not that they are bragging. Can this person who entered the Punishment Department go out and say nothing?Although, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has not spoken yet, and asked them to torture Xi Shuiling.

But they knew that Xi Shuiling's fate would not be too good.Who let her hurt the prince?
Who is the prince, but the future monarch, hurting the prince is tantamount to killing the king, so it's no wonder that this will end well.Even if the prince is generous and doesn't care, what about the emperor?

The emperor may not care about it.

The eunuch thought very clearly, so his attitude towards Xi Shuiling was not friendly, but a little more mocking.What about being a princess?She was originally disliked by the emperor, but this would disfigure her face and hurt her legs, and now there is an additional charge, regicide, it's no wonder the emperor can tolerate her.

Xi Shuiling waited quietly for a while after roaring, but she didn't hear the sound of leaving footsteps, her face turned ugly, and she said loudly again: "Why, didn't you hear what my princess said?"

"His Royal Highness, you should take a break. The slave will not go to His Royal Highness, so you don't have to shout. After a while, you will be tired and thirsty, and no one will dare to bring you water." The eunuch was cool. Said.

These words made Xi Shuiling so angry that she became irritable again, and shouted: "You dog slaves, how dare you not listen to this princess? Who gave you the courage? Wait, when this princess goes out, I must kill you!" about you."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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