The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1516 Donghua asks for help

Chapter 1516 Donghua Asks for Help ([-])

However, regarding Xi Shuiling's threat, the eunuch outside seemed not to have heard it, not only did not move, but also did not speak again.

The square inch of land suddenly became quiet, but Xi Shuiling became more and more annoyed and irritable.The violent air in my heart rushed straight to the top of my head, as if my whole body was about to explode.

It's just that the room is empty, not to mention people, and there are no decorations, so her violent aura can't come out at all.

Xi Shuiling couldn't find a place to vent her anger, so she had to reach out to knock on the door and hit the door with her head.

She slammed the door, leaving the guarding eunuch speechless. After holding back for a while, she said, "Your Highness, you don't need to knock on the door, and it's useless. The servant won't go to see you for this." His Royal Highness."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Xi Shuiling and stayed outside.

Xi Shuiling in the room fell into madness again at this time, not only knocking on the door with his hands, but also hitting his head, every time, very hard, as if he didn't know the pain.

Not long after the impact, her head was smashed and bleeding.

The guarding eunuch outside smelled the smell of blood and was startled. He stood on tiptoe and looked in through the window on the door.

At this time, Xi Shuiling was behind the door, he couldn't see it at all, he could only feel the door being hit again and again.

Combined with the smell of blood, the eunuch guarding the gate secretly said badly.So he jumped off the stool and ran outside to report to the person in charge.

When the chief eunuch heard that Xi Shuiling was banging on the door by himself, and that he might be injured, he was startled, and then sent people to report to Prince Xishui Chuxuan, and brought them to the hut where Xishuiling was imprisoned.

"Open the door!" The chief eunuch ordered, and then someone took out the key and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Xishui Ling fell directly outside the door.

The eunuchs were startled when they saw it, and instinctively jumped away.Thus, Xi Shui Ling fell headfirst to the ground, and passed out magnificently.

When Xishui Chuxuan got the news and rushed over, he happened to see the eunuchs rushing to settle Xishuiling.

"What's going on?" Xishui Chuxuan looked at Xishui Ling being carried by the eunuchs, and asked in a cold voice.

Seeing Xishui Chuxuan, the eunuchs knelt down immediately, and then reported back: "His Royal Highness, the eldest princess asked the slave to let her out, but the slave didn't want to, so she just slammed into the door."

"Bumping the door?" Xishui Chuxuan frowned, this Xishuiling is so stupid, what kind of door is he hitting.Could it be that she is really crazy?

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, the princess hurt herself because she knocked on the door." The eunuch repeated again, so Xishui Chuxuan asked the guards around him to look at the Guanxi Shuiling hut. .

After a while, the guard came back and said to him, "Your Highness, they are not lying. There are indeed traces of impact and blood stains behind the door."

After hearing what the guards said, Xishui Chuxuan waved his hand, signaling the eunuchs to carry Xishui Ling down.

When the eunuchs settled Xishui Ling, the imperial physician just arrived.Therefore, Xishui Chuxuan took the opportunity to talk about Xishuiling's situation, and asked the imperial doctor if she was crazy like this.

The imperial doctor is not easy to judge, he just said that according to common sense, Xishui Ling's situation may be a symptom of madness, but it is not sure yet.

Hearing what the imperial physician said, Xishui Chuxuan waved his hands, then glanced at Xishui Ling who hadn't woken up, looked at the gauze wrapped around her head, and reached out to touch the gauze around his neck, his eyes changed It got dark.

 Thank you Yao for your reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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