The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1517 Donghua asks for help

Chapter 1517 Donghua Asks for Help ([-])

There is still some time before Donghua sends troops, and he has to make people take a good look at Xishuiling.

Thinking about it, Xishui Chuxuan suddenly called out: "Come here!"

After the sound fell, several eunuchs came in, bowed to Xishui Chuxuan in fear and respect, and said, "I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Look carefully at the princess. I don't want something like this to happen again." Xishui Chuxuan said with a serious face.Before Xishuiling was brought to Donghua Kingdom, nothing happened until she completed her mission.

"Slaves understand." Several eunuchs responded, knowing that they had taken over a hot potato, but they had no choice but to take it.

"Very good!" Xishui Chuxuan nodded, quite satisfied with the attitude of the eunuchs.He also knew that they were afraid of Xi Shuiling's identity, so he made a special point, saying: "If this situation happens to the princess again, no matter what method you use, you must stop her."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions on the faces of the eunuchs changed immediately.With the prince's words, it doesn't matter if they use some means.

So, they all knelt down towards Xishui Chuxuan and said, "Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

"Get up." Xishui Chuxuan raised his hand to get the eunuchs to stand up, and then said: "I have entrusted the princess to you, please take good care of me."

After finishing speaking, Xishui Chuxuan stood up and led the people away from the Punishment Department.

"Yes! Respectfully send off His Highness the Crown Prince."

When the prince left, the chief eunuch in charge immediately lined up.In order to keep an eye on Xi Shuiling, they still locked her up, but it was no longer a hut, but a relatively large room with a bed and bedding.

So, when Xi Shuiling woke up and saw herself lying on the bed, she was stunned for a long time.

This is where?How can the room be so bad, except for a bed, there is not even a decent decoration.Most importantly, there was no one in the room except her.

"Come on, come on!" After a while, Xi Shuiling came to his senses, and then shouted loudly.

I don't know if it was because her reaction was a little slow, or because she shouted too hard, she pulled the wound on her head and it hurt.

With a pain in her head, Xi Shuiling couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch it.When she touched the gauze wrapped around her head, her expression changed.

Damn, why did she hurt her head, who hit her?
However, no one answered this question.Because, no one came outside at all.

Unwilling, Xi Shuiling yelled again, but still no one came outside.It wasn't until she yelled for the third time that someone outside came in, and then stood at the door looking at her and asked, "I don't know what the princess wants?"

"Where is this place? This princess wants to go out." Xi Shuiling glanced at the eunuch coldly, and then ordered.

"I'm sorry princess, His Royal Highness is under orders. You can't go anywhere except staying in the house."

"You're talking nonsense, the prince's elder brother wouldn't say such a thing. He loves me the most." Xi Shuiling was furious after hearing the eunuch's words.

The prince has always treated her well, how could he lock her up in such a place, and she didn't make a mistake.

At this time, Xi Shuiling completely forgot what happened before.

"The slave dare not lie to the princess, and please don't make things difficult for the slave. If the princess is fine, the slave will leave." After the eunuch finished speaking, he ignored Xi Shuiling and went out directly, closing the door again.

Until the door was closed again, Xi Shuiling didn't realize what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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