The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1518 Donghua asks for help

Chapter 1518 Donghua Asks for Help ([-])

I don't know if it was because of the previous impact that Xi Shuiling forgot something. In the next few days, although she was noisy, she never appeared insane again.

For this reason, the eunuchs guarding her breathed a sigh of relief, and only waited for the time to send her away, a hot potato.

Time passed quickly, and ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Xishuiling has been very quiet for the past ten days, as if she has forgotten her disfigurement, her broken leg, and her hatred.All she wanted was to heal the injury on her head, and all she wanted was to see the prince.

On this day, the door of the room was opened again, Xi Shuiling looked at the eunuch who opened the door very happily, and asked, "Can I go see the prince brother today?"

The eunuch looked at Xi Shuiling who seemed to be a different person, and his attitude improved a lot, and said: "The princess is right, it is His Royal Highness who wants to see the princess."

"Really? That's great. I'm finally going to see the elder brother of the prince." Xi Shuiling became happy, like an innocent child.

The eunuch took Xi Shuiling to the place where the army gathered.At this time, Prince Xishui Chuxuan was standing in front of the army and speaking. He was motivating the soldiers of Xishui to fight the enemy bravely and seek justice for Xishui Ling.

Just as he was talking, Xishuiling just arrived.So the prince asked people to bring Xishui Ling directly to the high platform, pointed at her appearance, and said to the soldiers below: "Have you seen it? This is my eldest princess of Xishui Kingdom. She just went to Donghua China participated in a martial arts conference, and came back like this. You say, can we bear this hatred? Do we want to hate this hatred?"



The soldiers below got excited and shouted loudly: "Revenge, revenge!"

Xi Shuiling was stunned by the enraged soldiers, and stared at them blankly.There is something in my mind that is about to come out.

So, she hugged her head violently and squatted down.

Prince Xishui Chuxuan didn't care about Xishui Ling's reaction. He still had a lot of things to do when he was going on an expedition today.

The purpose of Xishui Ling's appearance has been achieved, so he signaled the people around him to take her down.

The carriage and so on have already been arranged.Therefore, Xi Shuiling quickly got into the carriage and set off with the army.

Xi Shuiling's head hurt so much that she passed out as soon as she got into the carriage. When she woke up, the army had already left the capital.

Xi Shuiling opened her eyes in the turbulence, and a flash of color flashed in her eyes.She had thought of everything and knew that she was in the carriage.

She sat up, then stretched out her hand to lift the curtain of the carriage, and looked outside.

When she saw the neat line of soldiers outside the carriage, she was still taken aback for a moment.She knew that the army was going out, but she didn't think that she was also in the army.

How is this going?

Xi Shuiling couldn't figure it out, why would she go out with the army when she was such a useless person?
Just as he was guessing, a figure came to the carriage.

Xishui Chuxuan saw the curtain of the carriage lifted, and knew that Xishuiling was awake, so he rode his horse to the front of the carriage, looked at her and asked, "Sister, are you awake?"

"Brother Prince, why are you here?" Seeing Xishui Chuxuan, Xishui Ling was a little surprised.Xi Shuiling guessed where the army was going.

However, as the prince of Xishui Chuxuan, appearing here is not like the style of the Xishui Emperor.

What does royal father mean?What do you want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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