The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1521 The Royal Expedition

Chapter 1521 The Royal Conquest ([-])

Shangguan Yuntian knew about Sima Feng's arrival a long time ago, and his people followed Sima Feng when he left Donghua Kingdom.

For this reason, they also secretly helped Sima Feng solve several groups of people.Otherwise, even if he narrowly escaped death, he might not be able to reach Dazhao.

Sima Feng didn't know about these.He just thought he was lucky, so he didn't think much about it.

"Announce!" After Shangguan Yuntian received Sima Feng's letter of credentials, he didn't make it difficult for him, and directly asked him to announce his audience.

"The envoys of Xuandong Hua Kingdom have an audience!"

Following the shouts of the palace people, Sima Feng was taken into the palace, and brought to the side hall where Shangguan Yuntian handles political affairs.

"Minister Sima Feng pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor Dazhao. Long live your Majesty." Sima Feng entered the hall and saluted Shangguan Yuntian.

"The envoy is exempt." Shangguan Yuntian raised his hand lightly, and then ordered the eunuch beside him: "Give me a seat."

The eunuch moved the chair over and placed it next to Sima Feng.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Emperor Dazhao." Sima Feng sat down, and then looked up at Shangguan Yuntian.He had already received the news that Shangguan Yuntian had been enthroned as emperor, and Yehuang had also been conferred the title of empress.

Now, when he truly bows down to Shangguan Yuntian, he realizes how big the gap is between himself and him.

After Sima Feng sat down, he took out the letter from the emperor of Donghua Kingdom, asked the eunuch at the side to pass it to Shangguan Yuntian, and said: "This is the handwritten letter from His Majesty the Emperor of our country, and His Majesty the Emperor Jozhao has to read it."

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Sima Feng indifferently, and then signaled the eunuch to submit the letter.The content was exactly as he expected, and he was asked to send troops for support.

After reading the letter, Shangguan Yuntian asked the eunuch to put it away, then looked at Sima Feng and asked, "I wonder what price His Majesty the Emperor of your country is willing to pay?"

It's okay to send troops to help, but it can't be done in vain.Not to mention the problem of food and grass for the army, even the damage to the soldiers during the battle is not a small sum.

"The emperor of our country said it, and the conditions are up to His Majesty."

"I'll bring it up?" Shangguan Yuntian raised his eyebrows and looked at Sima Feng.

"Exactly." Sima Feng nodded, as long as Donghua could not destroy the country, even if the conditions were harsher, they would accept it.

"Can Prime Minister Sima represent His Majesty the Emperor of your country?" Shangguan Yuntian asked again, he didn't want to talk with Sima Feng for a long time, but in the end he couldn't decide.

"Yes. When the minister came, His Majesty said that everything is up to the minister. I just ask His Majesty Emperor Jokhang to send troops to support it as soon as possible."

"In this case, then you should have a good discussion with my household servant about this condition." After Shangguan Yuntian finished speaking, he directly ordered the eunuch at the side: "You go to Master Xuanfengyun."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The eunuch left, and after a short while, came in with Third Young Master Fengyun.

When Sima Feng saw that it was Fengyun Third Young Master, he knew that he had already entered Dazhao's court, and also served as the servant of the household department.

Fengyun Third Young Master first paid respects to Shangguan Yuntian, and then looked at the people sitting beside him.

"Brother Rui?" Seeing Sima Feng, Fengyun Third Young Master was also very surprised.He never thought that he would see Sima Feng again.

At this time, shouldn't Sima Feng be in Donghua Kingdom?How did you come to Dazhao?

"Third Young Master?" Sima Feng stood up and greeted Fengyun Third Young Master.

"Come here, give Master Fengyun a seat." Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Third Young Master Fengyun and ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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