The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1522 Royal Conquest

Chapter 1522 Royal Conquest ([-])


The eunuch responded, and brought another chair over, and placed it beside Sima Feng.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Young Master Fengyun thanked him, then sat down, looked at Sima Feng and asked, "Brother Rui, why are you here?"

"I'm here to ask your Majesty the Emperor for help." Sima Feng smiled with a bit of bitterness and self-blame.

There was a rebellion in the middle of the country. As the prime minister, he failed to help the emperor put down the rebellion, and now he let other countries take the opportunity to capture half of Donghua's country, so that he had to ask for foreign aid. It was his dereliction of duty.

Moreover, the other party came under the banner of Xishui Ling, which made him feel even more guilty.He felt that he hadn't handled the Xishuiling matter well before, which led to this disaster.

"Ask for help?" Third Young Master Fengyun was stunned, looking at Sima Feng.Although he had also heard about the Donghua Kingdom, he did not expect it to reach this point.

"That's right, ask for help." Sima Feng nodded, thinking about asking for help, he didn't want to chat with Fengyun Third Young Master, but said directly: "Your Majesty the Emperor asked me to discuss with you the conditions for sending troops to support , I don’t know if you have any regulations.”

Third Young Master Fengyun saw that Sima Feng had mentioned a serious matter, and immediately looked at it squarely, and said, "We have already considered this issue."

As he spoke, he took out the conditions that had been listed long ago.A few days ago, Shangguan Yuntian entrusted him with this task, and asked him to think carefully about what conditions should be put forward if Donghua Kingdom lets Dazhao send troops, so as not to suffer losses.

However, what Fengyun Sanshao did not expect was that the visitor from Donghua Kingdom would be Sima Feng.

He and Sima Feng have known each other since childhood, and they can be regarded as good friends.Now he has to sit together and negotiate for the interests of their respective countries, which made him feel like a good fortune.

Although Sima Feng was prepared, he was still taken aback when he saw the conditions listed on the paper that Fengyun Sanshao handed him.

He looked up at Third Young Master Fengyun, and asked, "Is this all the conditions of your country?"

"Exactly!" Third Young Master Fengyun nodded, he was never ambiguous in matters of state and public affairs.Therefore, all the conditions he listed are beneficial to Dazhao.

It was precisely because he knew Third Young Master Fengyun's temperament that Shangguan Yun entrusted him with such an important matter.

"What, is there a problem with Prime Minister Sima?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Sima Feng's embarrassment and asked.Shangguan Yuntian knew exactly what conditions Fengyun Sanshao listed.Therefore, Sima Feng would be entangled and embarrassed, and he expected it.

This was also the reason why Shangguan Yuntian asked him if he could make decisions on behalf of Emperor Donghua at the beginning.

"No, it's not!" Sima Feng shook his head, looked at the list in his hand, and didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing him like this, Shangguan Yuntian knew that he still couldn't make up his mind, so he said: "Prime Minister Sima Feng must be tired after coming all the way. Why don't you go wash and rest first, and I will clean up the dust for you in the evening."

Sima Feng was worried about how to speak, when Shangguan Yuntian said this, he happened to go down the steps.

Therefore, Shangguan Yuntian asked Fengyun Third Young Master to take Sima Feng out of the palace to arrange accommodation, while he went back to the harem to accompany Yehuang.

As for whether Sima Feng would agree to those conditions, it was simply out of Shangguan Yuntian's concern.Now, it was Sima Feng, or rather Dong Hua, who was in a hurry, not him.

Therefore, he confidently handed him over to Third Young Master Fengyun, while he went with his wife and children.

(End of this chapter)

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