The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1535 Soldiers Trapped in the Valley

Chapter 1535 Soldiers Trapped in the Valley ([-])

Hearing the words, Nangong Yu was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Okay."

In fact, she wanted to make it for Ye Huang and the babies herself.However, she also considered that when Du Qingqiu had a child, he would definitely be unable to take care of her.

So, it's good for someone to learn from her, at least when she's too busy, she can cook it for Ye Huang and the babies.

Seeing that Nangong Yu agreed, Ye Huang immediately pointed out a court lady who was good at cooking, and asked her to go back home with Nangong Yu later, and learn a few dishes and desserts from her.

The maid smiled and agreed, she was quite happy to be instructed by Yehuang to learn how to cook.

Compared with serving in front of Yehuang, she still prefers to cook all kinds of delicacies in the kitchen.

Nangong Yu stayed with Ye Huang in the palace for most of the afternoon, and seeing that it was getting late, she and Du Qingqiu went out of the palace.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Donghua Kingdom, Dazhao's military camp.

The spirits of the soldiers who had rested all day were very good. After breakfast, the army set off.

They don't have much time, so they can't delay for too long. They must control the situation before the rebel army and the army of Xishui Kingdom reach the capital of Donghua Kingdom, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Although they knew that there was a powerful ability in the chaos army, Shangguan Yuntian and his generals had no intention of fighting timidly.

As the elite troop of Jokha, how could they be timid before fighting.In any case, no matter how good or powerful the opponent is, it's better to fight.

Moreover, after hearing that the other party had such a powerful helper, many generals not only showed no timidity, but aroused even higher fighting spirit.

The rested army marched very fast.It took only two days to arrive at Pengcheng, Donghua Country, a city that the rebel army was going to attack next.

Due to the large number of troops and the [-] defenders in Pengcheng, Shangguan Yuntian did not bring the army into the city, but set up camp in a village ten miles outside the city.

When the army set up camp, Sima Feng left to meet the general of Pengcheng.

After setting up the camp, Shangguan Yuntian laid out a map in the big tent, looking at the terrain around Pengcheng.Thinking about how to stop the attack of the chaos army as soon as possible.

However, what Shangguan Yuntian didn't expect was that the rebel army had already known the news of their upcoming arrival, so they decided to take a surprise attack, and caught Shangguan Yuntian and his party by surprise when they were exhausted.

While Shangguan Yuntian was looking at the map, the scouts sent out came to report, saying: "The rebel army is coming towards our army, and they are still thirty miles away from the camp."

"Pass down the order and prepare to meet the enemy." After hearing the scout's report, Shangguan Yuntian immediately issued an order.

The generals were ordered to go down immediately and prepare to go.

In a short while, the generals finished counting troops, and Shangguan Yuntian asked them to divide them into several divisions according to the plan to stop the rebel army.

When all the generals went to stop the enemy, Shangguan Yuntian brought a small part of his troops and prepared to steal the enemy's back route.

Shangguan Yuntian led 1 horses and traveled through the mountains and forests to copy the enemy's shortcuts as shown on the map.However, when they reached a valley, they were suddenly trapped, unable to get out no matter which direction they turned.

At the beginning, Shangguan Yuntian thought he had entered the formation by mistake, so he tried to break the formation.

But when he tried many ways to break the formation but to no avail, he couldn't help thinking of the so-called heavenly phenomenon in Donghua Kingdom recently.

Since it is not a formation, it can only be a technique.Obviously, the other party had already guessed that he would take a shortcut, so they waited here for them.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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