The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1536 Yuntian Missing

Chapter 1536 Yuntian Missing ([-])

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yuntian's expression turned ugly.He understands the formation and can break it, but he doesn't understand this technique, how to break it?
But this technique can't be broken, unless they don't want to go out.Now some soldiers have already started to move, if they don't go out as soon as possible, something may happen.

Shangguan Yuntian frowned, thinking of a way to break the spell.

But even though he was smart, he was still helpless with things like magic.

At this time, other generals and soldiers had arrived at the designated location and confronted the rebel army.Although Dazhao's soldiers had just arrived and they were a little tired, they were able to kill the enemy without hesitation.

On the side of the rebellious army, they did not take advantage of it, and the morale of the army began to dissipate.Some time ago, they were invincible, and almost effortlessly defeated the defenders of Donghua Kingdom, and they abandoned the city and fled.

But now, they have been fighting with Dazhao's army for almost an hour, and not only failed to defeat the opponent, but were about to be defeated by the opponent.

How can we go on like this?
Seeing that the soldiers under them could not stop the attack of the Dazhao army, some generals went to the leader above to report.

"My lord, the soldiers of Dazhao are too brave, and our soldiers will not be able to stand up anymore. Should the military division think of a way so that we can win as soon as possible?"

"My lord, we can't do it here either. Please think of a way quickly, or we will be defeated."

"That's right, my lord, where is the military adviser? Why haven't I seen him, please think of a way."

Hearing the words of the soldiers under his command, the man called the Lord turned his head.If Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian were here, they would definitely be able to recognize that this person named Master is the Lord they captured in Mingyue Villa before.

Logically speaking, the Lord should have been taken back by Sima Feng and locked up.It's just that no one knows that the one locked up, or the one Yehuang and the others caught is just a fake.The real lord is the one in front of him, who is also the brother of the emperor of Donghua Kingdom.

In the past, the Venerable Lord was the one who was abandoned, and even almost killed.Now, he came back for revenge, and he wanted to take back the country of Donghua.

In the words of the lord, he and the emperor of Donghua country are brothers, why can he sit on the throne, why can't he?

It is precisely because he and the emperor of Donghua Kingdom are brothers of the same mother and compatriots that so many generals follow him.

Because those generals were bewitched by him.

The lord looked at the general who was standing in front of him, clamoring for the military adviser to find a way, and his face was a little ugly.He suddenly found out if he had done something wrong before, otherwise why did they only encounter a defeat, or perhaps a temporary setback, so they wanted to ask the military adviser to find a way?
Yes, his military adviser is a capable person who can change the sky and call the wind and rain.But right now, the military division is not in the camp, he has already helped him solve Shangguan Yuntian.

According to the military division's calculation, Shangguan Yuntian should be planning to take a shortcut to deal with them.Therefore, in order to trap Shangguan Yuntian, or in other words, to kill Shangguan Yuntian, a person who was feared by all four countries, the military master went out of his way to block Shangguan Yuntian.

But he didn't want to, Shangguan Yuntian's side was fine, but something like this happened here.

These generals didn't know how to find a way to defeat the enemy by themselves, and they pinned all their hopes on the military adviser.

Damn it!

(End of this chapter)

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