The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1537 Yuntian Missing

Chapter 1537 Yuntian Missing ([-])

"My lord, speak up."

"Yes, my lord, what's the matter with you today?"

"My lord, where is the military division? Why didn't you see him. Let him come out quickly, we can't stand it anymore."

"That's right, my lord, call out the military master quickly. As soon as he comes out, he will do some magic tricks, those soldiers of Dazhao will definitely be finished."

"That's right, that's right, just like the previous few battles. No matter how powerful and ferocious the enemy is, once they encounter the spell of the military master, they will all stop."

Hearing what the generals said, the lord's face became darker and darker.But those generals didn't see it at all, and kept asking about the whereabouts of the military division.

As if, without a military advisor and his spells, they wouldn't be able to kill the enemy.

"Shut up!" Finally, the Venerable Master couldn't bear it any longer and shouted loudly.If he didn't think that these people are still useful, he still needs them, he would have asked them to be pulled out and chopped.

What the hell, all of these were once good generals of the Donghua Kingdom, but they all became like this.

I really don't know how they got their positions before.Could it be that there is something wrong with his vision, and all these people he found are trash?

"My lord?" Hearing the roar of the lord, the generals came back to their senses, and then looked up at him, wondering why he was suddenly angry?

"Are all of you worthy of being called generals?" The lord finally couldn't help pointing at these people's noses and cursed, "Why do you always want to find a military adviser whenever you encounter something? Don't you think so? Don't you have any idea? If so, what use does this deity want you for?"

Seeing that the lord was angry and angry, these generals were silent, and then knelt down, saying: "My lord, rest your anger, the last generals are wrong."

"You know you're wrong?" Seeing everyone knelt down, the Lord's face softened slightly.It seemed that these people could still be saved, otherwise he would really give up on them and find another plan.

"The general knows his mistake." All the generals said in unison, it was true that they were a little presumptuous just now.To say such words in front of the master, doesn't that show their incompetence?

If this is the case, will the master reuse them in the future?

Thinking of this consequence, everyone couldn't help but feel a shudder running down their spines, secretly regretting endlessly.They will follow the master in the future, if they behave too incompetent, don't say that they will be promoted to rank in the future.It may not even be possible to save your life.

"Okay, since you know you're wrong, then you should have a good discussion and see how you can defeat the enemy, instead of coming to me to find a military adviser to help you solve it."

"Yes, the last general obeys." The generals stood up, and then one by one resigned and left the lord's big tent.

When the generals left, the lord was so angry that he smashed the desk in front of him.He was angry with these generals just now, so he was angry with himself, and he would not know how to arrange troops.

In fact, he is no different from these generals, he also relies on military advisors.He couldn't imagine, once the military adviser was gone, would his dream of becoming an emperor still come true?

Thinking about it, the lord immediately shouted: "Come here!"

"I have seen the Lord!" A man in black came to the Lord and saluted him respectfully.

"Go and see how the military division is doing. If necessary, help the military division and solve Shangguan Yuntian as soon as possible."

"Subordinates obey."

The man in black was ordered to find the military division.

(End of this chapter)

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