The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1545 Ye Huang leaves Beijing

Chapter 1545 Yehuang leaves Beijing ([-])

Seeing that Yeyue didn't speak again for a long time, Yunfei had no choice but to ask again: "Doctor Ye, for the stability of the army, I ask you to do this favor."

"I'll think about it." Yeyue didn't immediately agree, not because he didn't believe Yunfei's words.But this matter is of great importance, and he must find out.

"Please ask Doctor Ye to give me an answer as soon as possible." Yunfei didn't force it, he knew that this matter was of great importance, and it was reasonable for Yeyue to need time to think about it.

"I will." Yeyue nodded, then stood up and left Yunfei's big tent.After leaving the big tent, Yeyue did not go back to the medical clinic, but left the camp and went to a remote place.

"Come here!" Yeyue yelled, and a subordinate of the ghost gate appeared, knelt down in front of him on one knee, and said, "My subordinate, Ye Twelve, has met Pavilion Master Yue."

"Go and find out about the disappearance of the emperor. In addition, inform the master of the Feng Pavilion and let him quickly send someone to find the whereabouts of the emperor."

"Yes!" Ye Twelve replied, and left in a flash.

Yeyue watched Ye Twelve leave, thinking of the relationship between Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, a look of worry appeared on her face.

I don't know whether to tell her this news.

Let's wait for a while until Ye Twelve comes back.Yeyue made a decision before returning to the camp.

Time passed little by little, and there was still no news from Shangguan Yuntian, Yunfei became more and more anxious.And decided that she couldn't wait any longer, and asked Yeyue to help disguise the fake emperor first.

So, he asked Yeyue to invite Yeyue again, but was told that Yeyue was not in the camp.

For this reason, Yunfei became more and more anxious, and immediately ordered someone to find Yeyue back.At this critical moment, everyone is counting on Yeyue, how can he not be here?
But at this time, Yeyue was seeing Ye Twelve.

After Ye Twelve finished reporting the matter, Yeyue's face became serious.After pondering for a while, he told Ye Twelve: "This news must be known to the Sect Master. Please pass it to Master Feng, and the news must be sent back to Dazhao as quickly as possible."

"Subordinates understand." Ye Twelve stepped away.

After a while, Yunfei's personal soldiers came over.Seeing Yeyue, he was overjoyed and said, "Doctor Ye, General Yun is looking for you."

"Understood, I'll go back now." After Yeyue finished speaking, she followed the soldiers to Yunfei's big tent again.Now, he has figured out the ins and outs of the matter, and confirmed that Shangguan Yuntian was indeed missing.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, he no longer shied away, and readily helped to make up a secret guard sent by Qin Chao.

At this time, the imperial palace of Dazhao, Fengxi Palace.Yehuang was sleeping when she suddenly woke up.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you, did you have a nightmare?" Seeing Ye Huang, the maid in the palace sat up suddenly, she couldn't help but asked with concern.

Yehuang didn't answer the maid's words, but recalled the content of her dream.Just now she dreamed that something happened to Shangguan Yuntian, and she dreamed that she couldn't find him anyway, so she woke up with a start.

Until now, her heart is still not at peace.She was wondering if this dream was reminding her of something.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Ye Huang in a daze, the palace maid couldn't help becoming worried.

"It's okay!" Yehuang shook her head and got out of bed.

After waking up, Yehuang went to the study to deal with things as usual, but she couldn't concentrate.The scene in the dream played back in her mind over and over again.

As a result, she could only temporarily put down the work at hand, and then secretly made a decision, that is to leave Beijing and go to Donghua Kingdom to find Shangguan Yuntian.

(End of this chapter)

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