The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1546 Finding a Husband

Chapter 1546 Looking for a Husband A Thousand Miles ([-])

She knew that if she could not be sure that Shangguan Yuntian was safe, she would have no way to do anything with peace of mind.

With a decision, Yehuang seemed to let go of a worry, and quickly dealt with the work at hand.After finishing the matter, she went to Ci'an Palace to find the Empress Dowager.

"Huang'er is here, sit down!" Seeing Yehuang coming, the Empress Dowager was quite happy.Although she didn't bring Tuan Yuan Yuan, she still greeted her with a smile.

"Grandmother, Huang'er has something to ask." Yehuang sat down under the empress dowager, and said straight to the point.

"Tell me, what's the matter." The Empress Dowager laughed, she was a little surprised that Yehuang asked her for something.

"Grandmother, I want to entrust Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan to you to take care of them for a while."

"Why?" It's true that the Empress Dowager likes reunion, but why did Yehuang say that? Could it be that she is leaving?

Thinking of this, the Empress Dowager's expression changed slightly, and she asked, "Huang'er, are you planning to go to Yuntian?"

"Yes, Grandmother." Yehuang didn't hide anything, and directly told her about her previous dream.

After hearing Ye Huang's words, the Empress Dowager sighed and watched her silent for a long time.

Just when Yehuang thought she was not good at anything, the Empress Dowager spoke up and said, "Huang'er, I can understand that you miss Yuntian. But, do you really need to go find him?"

"Grandmother, I have a reason to go." Yehuang said seriously.She had a premonition that something must have happened to Shangguan Yuntian.Otherwise, she would never have such a dream.

Moreover, the dream was so real, as if it happened right in front of my eyes.So, no matter what, she had to go to Donghua Kingdom to find him.

"Huang'er, have you really decided? Are you willing to leave Tuanyuanyuan behind for the sake of Yuntian?" The Empress Dowager wanted to persuade Yehuang again, so she moved Tuanyuanyuan out.

When it comes to her son and daughter, Yehuang's heart is full of reluctance, but she still can't stop her from going to Shangguan Yuntian.Because to her, Shangguan Yuntian is more important than anyone else.

So, she looked at the Empress Dowager, nodded seriously, and said, "Grandmother, I have decided. As for Tuantuan and Yuanyuan, I can only feel sorry for them first."

"Huang'er, you should think about it again. You and Yuntian have left one by one, what will Dazhao do, and what will the people do? Although there are me and your father, we are already old after all."

The Empress Dowager still hoped to keep Yehuang. Shangguan Yuntian left to fight, but it was nothing for Yehuang to go.

Although the Empress Dowager was also a little worried about Ye Huang's dream, she had lived most of her life after all, and had never experienced any kind of storm.I'm still a little skeptical about things like dreaming.

It is said that there are thoughts in the day and dreams in the night.She felt that Yehuang missed Shangguan Yuntian so much, that's why she had such a dream.

Yehuang stood up, walked to the Empress Dowager, knelt down, and said: "Grandmother, I'm sorry, for me coming to Yuntian is more important than Dazhao's country. He is my life! So, I can only be sorry for you gone."

"That's all, that's all, you get up." The Empress Dowager saw that Yehuang was still insisting, but she didn't try to persuade her any more.

Young couples, love is unquestionable.

She could see the relationship between Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang.She was very happy that Yehuang had such a deep affection for Shangguan Yuntian.

Now, since Yehuang can't let go of Shangguan Yuntian, even if she insists, she can only keep him, not her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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