The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1547 Finding a Husband

Chapter 1547 Looking for a Husband A Thousand Miles ([-])

After figuring it out, the Empress Dowager stopped saying anything, but asked, "When do you plan to leave?"

"If I go back to the imperial grandmother, I plan to leave early tomorrow morning. It may be too late to say goodbye to the imperial grandmother, so please forgive me."

Originally, Yehuang wanted to leave now, but considering that there were still some things to explain, she had to change it to the next morning.

"It's okay, you can go." The Empress Dowager waved her hand to show that she didn't care.

After returning from Ci'an Palace, Yehuang first gathered all the servants of Fengqi Palace and told them that she would be away for a while, and asked them to take good care of Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan.

After hearing Yehuang's words, the nuns and the maids were not surprised.During this period of time, Yehuang was distracted from time to time, and they all noticed it.They knew that the empress was missing the emperor.

Now, when she heard that she was going to leave for a while, she must have gone to the emperor.

After explaining to the people in the palace, Yehuang sent someone to inform Third Young Master Fengyun, telling him that he was leaving.

As soon as Third Young Master Fengyun received the news, he hurriedly entered the palace regardless of the fact that it was already mid-afternoon.

"Huang'er, you want to leave?" Seeing Yehuang, Fengyun Third Young Master asked anxiously.Before, when Shangguan Yuntian left, he was entrusted to take care of Yehuang, mother and son.

Now, Yehuang actually wants to leave Beijing, and still go to Donghua country, how can he rest assured?

"Yes, cousin, you've worked hard during this time." Ye Huang nodded, and she saw all the care that Young Master Fengyun had taken for their mother and child during these days.

"Huang'er, you don't need to be so polite with your cousin." Third Young Master Fengyun waved his hand, and then asked, "Are you leaving by yourself, or are you going to leave with Tuanyuanyuan?"

"They are still young, I will keep them in the palace. I am also relieved that the Empress Dowager will take care of them."

Originally, Third Young Master Fengyun wanted to let his mother and wife take care of the two babies, but when he heard that Yehuang had already made arrangements, he didn't say much.

"When are you going to leave?"


"I may not be able to send you off tomorrow, so be careful along the way and take care of yourself." Third Young Master Fengyun told Yehuang like a real brother.

He knew that even if he persuaded her to stay, Ye Huang would not listen to him.

Yehuang and Fengyun Third Young Master explained some things, seeing that it was getting late, they sent him out of the palace.

After Fengyun Third Young Master left, Yehuang asked Dong and Xia to be brought back.

The two came to the study room, and after paying respects to Yehuang, they asked, "Your Majesty, are you looking for us?"

Yehuang glanced at the two of them, and asked, "Have you received any letters from Donghua Kingdom recently?"

"Returning to the sect master, I haven't received any letters in the past two days. I don't know why the sect master asked this question. Did something happen?"

The reason why Yehuang asked this question was because she was worried that the people in the door would hide the news because they were afraid that she would be worried.

So, after asking that question, she kept staring closely at Dong and Xia, trying to see something from their expressions and eyes.

But both of them were quite natural in their expressions and eyes.From this point of view, it's not that someone in the sect concealed the news, but that there was indeed no news from Donghua Kingdom.

In this way, she felt relieved.If someone really hid her from the door, she should consider whether to clean it up.

Yehuang didn't answer what Dong and Xia said, but looked away, and said, "Go back and prepare, we will leave Beijing together tomorrow."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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