The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1548 Finding a Husband

Chapter 1548 Looking for a Husband A Thousand Miles ([-])

"Li Jing?" The two were taken aback, looking at Ye Huang.

"That's right, leave Beijing."

"Yes!" The two replied respectfully without asking further questions.They knew that Yehuang was telling them now to tell them about the affairs of the door.

"Tomorrow morning, we will meet at the gate of the city." After Ye Huang finished speaking, she let the two of them leave.

After explaining everything that should be explained, Yehuang went to the place where Tuanyuan lived, and carried the two of them to her bedroom.

There are still more than ten hours until tomorrow morning, Ye Huang decided to spend it with the two little babies.

Thinking of leaving them, Yehuang still felt very reluctant.It's just that no matter how reluctant she is, she has to leave.Because, she couldn't lose Shangguan Yuntian.

Yehuang played with the babies for a long time, ate with them, and slept with them.I don't know if there is a telepathy between the mother and the child. This night, the babies' spirits are particularly good, and they don't want to sleep anyway.

Looking at the children's bright eyes, Ye Huang was speechless.She hugged each other and told them fairy tales.Yuanyuan, who didn't like listening to stories at first, didn't fall asleep after listening to a few sentences as before. Instead, she kept hearing the story from the beginning to the end.

Not to mention Tuantuan, that is the master who won't fall asleep after listening to several stories in a row.

Yehuang was getting deeper and deeper. Seeing that the babies were still awake, Yehuang became more and more speechless, so she stopped telling stories and chatted with them directly.

After thinking about it, she decided to tell them about her going away for a while.

When the two of them heard that Yehuang was leaving, their faces were full of reluctance, as if they were about to cry.Yehuang looked distressed, as if they explained the reason why she was leaving, and assured them that she would come back as soon as possible.

In the end, Liang Bao obviously accepted her words, then hugged her arm tightly, and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Yehuang woke up early.She opened her eyes, looking at the babies who were still holding her arms tightly and not letting go, her heart was full of tenderness and reluctance.

But when she thought of Shangguan Yuntian, she had no choice but to be cruel, and then quietly pulled her hand out of the two's hands.

However, what Yehuang didn't expect was that she was careful enough, but the babies still woke up.They opened their eyes, looked at Yehuang who was trying to pull out his hand, and blinked.

"Tuantuan, Yuanyuan, mother's babies, are you awake?"

Tuantuan and Yuanyuan nodded at the same time.Tuantuan's eyes met Ye Huang's, and then asked: "Mother, are you leaving?"

"Yes, mother is leaving. I'm going to find your father." Yehuang nodded, sat up, and hugged the two of them in her arms.

She hugged the two of them for a while, and when she saw that it was getting late, she reluctantly said to them: "You have to listen to your great-grandmother, you know? You have to obediently wait for mother to come back."

After finishing speaking, she kissed each other again, and then handed them over to the nanny who took care of them, and asked the nanny to send the two of them to the empress dowager.

The moment Tuantuan and Yuanyuan were hugged by the nuns, they cried at the same time.

Hearing their cries, Yehuang's heart ached.She wanted to take the two of them with her, but when she thought that they were still so young, she had no choice but to give up the idea, then turned around cruelly, waved to the nuns, and motioned for them to take them away.

The nuns left Fengqi Palace with Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan in their arms, and the sound of crying still reached Ye Huang's ears from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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