The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1549 Finding a Husband

Chapter 1549 Looking for a Husband A Thousand Miles ([-])

Hearing the cries of the two treasures, Yehuang sighed slightly, and said silently in her heart: "Tuanyuanyuan, I'm sorry!"

Ye Huang got up quickly, washed up, and had breakfast before leaving the palace to meet Dong and Xia.

Dong and Xia had already arranged the things at hand last night, so they got up early this morning, had breakfast, and then went to the gate of the city to wait for Ye Huang.

The two rode on the horses, quietly waiting for the arrival of Yehuang, ignoring the eyes of passers-by who passed by from time to time.After a while, Yehuang appeared in their sight.

"I've met the master." The two of them took a few steps forward, and then greeted Ye Huang, before asking: "Master, have you had breakfast? We bought some steamed buns here, would you like to have a taste?" taste?"

He looked into the eyes of Ye Huang and the other two, then took the buns with a smile, took one and ate it.

After one bun was eaten, she said to the two of them, "Let's go."

"Yes!" The two agreed, then put away the buns, one left and one right protected Yehuang in the middle, and left the city gate towards Donghua Kingdom.

A group of three rode fast horses and traveled hundreds of miles in half a day.

"Master, there is a small town ahead, let's go in and have a rest." Dong and Xia glanced at the sky, it was almost noon, it was time to eat.Moreover, the horse was also tired, so he suggested to Yehuang.

"Okay!" Yehuang nodded. Although she wanted to arrive at Donghua Country earlier and meet Shangguan Yuntian earlier, she also knew the principle of combining work and rest.

So, the group of three stopped in the small town, entered the largest restaurant in the town, and prepared to eat.

Not long after the three of them sat down, a black shadow appeared in front of them.

"This subordinate has met the sect master." Heiying knelt down towards Yehuang, then took out an urgent letter from his arms, handed it to her and said, "Master Feng, this is the letter from Donghua Master Fengge." An urgent letter from China."

Yehuang glanced at the other party, then took the letter, opened it and read it.When she read the contents of the letter, her face instantly became serious.

Sure enough, something happened to him!
After reading the letter, Yehuang took a deep breath, suppressed the pain in her heart, and then said to the person who sent the letter: "Go back and tell Master Fengge, let him mobilize all the people in Donghua Kingdom, and wait for me. .”

"Yes, this subordinate will leave." Soi Ying replied, and then walked away.

When the sender left, Dong and Xia looked at Ye Huang and asked with concern: "Master, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Yehuang shook her head, saying that she was fine, but she felt as if a big rock was crushed in her heart.

Yuntian is missing!He actually disappeared.No wonder, she had such a dream that day, it turned out that he really disappeared just like in the dream.

What a Taoist Master Tianji dared to attack Shangguan Yun Tianxia, ​​she would never let him go.

Yehuang thought bitterly, with killing intent all over her body.

Sensing the killing intent emanating from Ye Huang, Dong and Xia looked at each other, feeling more and more worried.

They knew that something must have happened, but if the master didn't say anything, they couldn't ask.

Yehuang sat quietly for a while, and slowly calmed herself down.She knew that she had to rush to Donghua country as soon as possible, otherwise the longer it took, the more dangerous Shangguan Yuntian would be.

So, she looked up at Dong and Xia, and gave an order: "Send the order, let the sub-rudders along the way prepare dry food and horses, and be ready for us at any time. Also, from now on, we will be on the road day and night, do you have any questions?" ?"

(End of this chapter)

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