The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1555 The Mountains and Fields

Chapter 1555

After speaking, Ye Huang had already left first.

Qin Chao looked at Yehuang's back, turned his head to look at Yefeng, saw him shaking his head, sighed, and followed behind Yehuang.

A group of people left the place where they lived, then used their lightness skills and headed towards the place where Shangguan Yuntian disappeared.

Therefore, when Yun Fei came to meet him specially after receiving the news of Ye Huang's arrival, he was told that she had gone out to look for Shangguan Yuntian.

Originally, Yunfei also planned to go, but thinking about the fact that the coach has disappeared, how could he leave at this time as the deputy coach?

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to go back regretfully.

Besides, Yehuang and his party arrived at the mountain range where Shangguan Yuntian disappeared after an hour.

When they arrived at the place, Qin Chao told Ye how they were trapped at the beginning, how they broke the spell later, and how they saw Daoist Tianji doing it on the top of the mountain when Shangguan Yuntian took them to meet Daoist Tianji. phoenix.

When he told Yehuang that they were still some distance away from Taoist Master Tianji, a vision came from the sky, and the sky suddenly became dark, and they couldn't see anything in a blink of an eye.

Yehuang came to the location of the vision from the sky mentioned by Qin Chao, and visually measured the distance to the top of the mountain.Then he closed his eyes, recalling the scene of Shangguan Yuntian's disappearance according to Qin Chao's narration.

Everyone looked at Ye Huang like this, and no one disturbed her, standing beside her quietly guarding her.

It took Ye Huang a long time to open her eyes, then flew up and headed towards the top of the mountain where Taoist Master Tianji practiced.

The top of the mountain is relatively high. As soon as you stand up, you will immediately feel like sweeping all the small mountains.

Yehuang stood on the top of the mountain, looking around.However, the mountains and fields are vast, where is Shangguan Yuntian?

Looking at the empty mountains and fields, Yehuang couldn't help feeling sad.

Thousands of miles of clouds, thousands of mountains and evening snow, who will the shadow go to?

Sensing the sadness emanating from Ye Huang, Qin Chao and the hidden guards knelt down to her one by one.It was their fault, they were incompetent and failed to protect the emperor.But they couldn't do anything except to apologize to Yehuang.

It stands to reason that they deserve death for their serious dereliction of duty.But now, the emperor hasn't found them yet, no one is alive, no corpse is dead, they can't die yet.

They had to see Shangguan Yuntian before they could feel relieved to apologize with death.

Yehuang's sadness didn't last long.She knew that now was not the time to be sad, and the most important thing now was to find Shangguan Yuntian.Whether it's life or death, she has to see him before she can rest assured, or give up.

Therefore, she quickly put away her emotions, and then observed the nearby mountains again.

Although the top of this mountain is high, it is not the highest mountain in the entire mountain range.

Among the rolling mountains, Yehuang saw a towering peak that seemed to have been inserted into the sky.

So, Ye Huang pointed to the peak and asked, "What is the tallest mountain?"

"If you go back to the sect master, it's Tianshan."


"Yes, Tianshan. It is rumored that there are gods living on that mountain. Whether it is true or not, no one has ever gone up. However, according to rumors, it seems that there are people living on that mountain. Occasionally, hunters will see people coming down from that mountain."

"How far is it from that mountain?" Yehuang looked at the Tianshan Mountain, wondering what she was thinking.

For some reason, there seemed to be a voice in Ye Huang's heart telling her to go to that mountain and take a look.

Since you can't find any clues here, why not follow your feelings, maybe you will find unexpected discoveries.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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